Conjugate the verb parler to say “you speak”
tu parles
Conjugate the verb finir to say “you finish”
Tu finis
Conjugate the verb rendre to say “she turns in”
Elle rend
Conjugate aller to say “I go”
je vais
Conjugate être to say “I am”
Je suis
Conjugate the verb habiter to say “he lives”
Il habite
Conjugate the verb grossir to say “he gains weight”
il grossit
Conjugate the verb défendre to say “he defends”
il defend
Conjugate faire to say “she does”
Elle fait
Conjugate avoir to say “you have”
Tu as
Conjugate the verb visiter to say “she visits”
Elle visite
Conjugate the verb choisir to say “they choose”
Nous choisissons
Conjugate the verb vendre to say “we sell”
Nous vendons
Conjugate aller to say “we go”
Nous allons
Conjugate avoir to say “we have”
Nous avons
Conjugate the verb gagner to say “you all win”
Vous gagnez
Conjugate the verb punir to say “they all punish”
“vous punissez”
Conjugate the verb choisir to say “they (masc) answer”
ils répondre
Conjugate faire to say “they (masc) do”
Ils font
Conjugate être to say ”you all are”
Vous êtes
Conjugate the verb nager to say “we swim”
Nous nageons
Conjugate the verb rougir to say “they (fem) blushes”
elles rougissent
Conjugate the verb perdre to say ”they (fem) lose”
elles perdent
Conjugate faire to say “you all do”
vous faites
Conjugate être to say “they (fem) are”
Elles sont