The Birth of Jesus
The Messages
The Names

How Mary was described before the birth of Jesus

A) Married  

B) A virgin  

C) A widow 

D) A prophetess

B) A virgin


The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in this way.

A) In a dream  

B) Through a scroll  

C) As a voice from heaven  

D) Through Mary

A) In a dream


The angel instructed Joseph to give this name to Mary’s child.

A) Emmanuel  

B) Jesus  

C) David  

D) Abraham

B) Jesus  


Before the angel's visit, Joseph planned to _ quietly.

A) Marry Mary  

B) Send Mary to her family  

C) Divorce Mary  

D) Adopt a child


C) Divorce Mary


The angel told Joseph not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife because the child was conceived by this.

A) Another man  

B) The Holy Spirit  

C) An angel  

D) A prophet

B) The Holy Spirit


The name "Jesus" means this.

A) The Lord saves  

B) God with us  

C) Son of God  

D) Prince of Peace

A) The Lord saves


Joseph was the son of _.

A) David  

B) Moses  

C) Aaron  

D) Abraham

A) David


The angel told Joseph that Jesus would do this for His people.

A) Rule over them  

B) Teach them  

C) Save them from their sins  

D) Lead them out of Egypt

C) Save them from their sins


The child born to Mary would save people from this.

A) Their enemies  

B) Their sins  

C) Their poverty  

D) Their hardships

B) Their sins  


Mary found out she was to bear a child through _.

A) Joseph  

B) An angel  

C) The Holy Spirit  

D) A prophet

C) The Holy Spirit


The prophecy said that the virgin would give birth to a son and they will call Him this, meaning "God with us."

A) Immanuel  

B) Joshua  

C) Michael  

D) Gabriel

A) Immanuel  


This name reflects the idea that Jesus would bring God’s presence among the people.

A) Jesus  

B) Moses  

C) Immanuel  

D) Isaiah

C) Immanuel
