Medieval Europe Society
Role of the Catholic Church
Black Death/
Bubonic Plague’s
Crusades and Conflicts
Islamic Contributions

What was the role of knights in the feudal system?

A) They were the rulers of the land.

B) They rented land from nobles in exchange for military service.

C) They owned large estates.

D) They worked as merchants and traders.

B) They rented land from nobles in exchange for military service.

Justification/ Why is that right?: Knights provided military service to nobles in exchange for land, playing a key role in the feudal system.


What role did monasteries play in preserving knowledge during Medieval Europe?

A) They served as military outposts.

B) They provided healthcare to the sick.

C) They copied and preserved classical and religious texts.

D) They managed trade routes.

C) They copied and preserved classical and religious texts.

Justification: Monasteries played a key role in copying and preserving important texts during the Middle Ages.


What title was Charlemagne given on Christmas Day in 800?

A) King of France (Ruled a kingdom)

B) Emperor of the East (Byzantine Empire)

C) Emperor of the West (Holy Roman Empire)

D) Duke of Italy (Served as a loyal noble)

 C) Emperor of the West.

Justification: Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the West by Pope Leo III, symbolizing his control over Western Europe(The Holy Roman Empire).


Where did the Black Plague likely enter Europe?

A) Inland cities

B) Mountain regions

C) Trade ports along the sea

D) Rural farmland

C) Trade ports along the sea.

Justification: The Black Plague entered Europe through trading ships that docked in ports. They likely carried infected goods and people which led to the spread of the plague.


What was the primary goal of the Crusades initiated by Pope Urban II in 1095?

A) To spread trade routes

B) To reclaim Jerusalem and other holy sites

C) To expand the boundaries of the Byzantine Empire

D) To conquer territories in Asia

B) To reclaim Jerusalem and other holy sites.

Justification: The Crusades were primarily/mainly aimed at Christians recapturing Jerusalem and other sacred sites from Muslim control.


What was a major contribution of Islamic scholars during the Middle Ages?

A) The development of the printing press

B) The preservation and expansion of classical knowledge

C) The creation of Gothic architecture

D) The introduction of feudalism to Europe

B) The preservation and expansion of classical knowledge.

Justification: Islamic scholars preserved and expanded upon the classical knowledge of ancient Greece and Rome.


Who were the serfs in Medieval Europe?

A) Wealthy landowners who controlled large estates.

B) Free people who rented land from nobles.

C) Laborors bound to the land and required to work for the lord.

D) Knights who protected the manor.

C) Laborors bound to the land and required to work for the lord.

Justification/ Why is it right?: Serfs were laborers who worked on the land and were tied to it under the control of a lord.


How did the Catholic Church’s ownership of land impact its power in Medieval Europe?

A) It decreased the Church’s influence over people.

B) It allowed the Church to exert economic control and influence.

C) It led to the Church’s decline in wealth.

D) It had no effect on the Church’s power.

B) It allowed the Church to exert economic control and influence.

Justification: The Catholic Church’s vast landholdings gave it significant economic and political influence in medieval society.


What was one of Charlemagne’s goals during his military campaigns?

A) To expand trade routes

B) To conquer and convert to Christianity

C) To establish new educational institutions

D) To create a new currency system

  • B) To conquer and convert to Christianity.
  • Justification: Charlemagne aimed to expand his empire and convert conquered peoples to Christianity.

What was one economic effect of the Black Plague on laborers in Europe?

A) Decreased wages for laborers

B) Higher wages for laborers

C) Increased working hours

D) Decreased availability of jobs

B) Higher wages for laborers.

Justification: The labor shortage caused by the plague led to increased wages for workers due to their scarcity.


What motivated many Europeans to join the Crusades according to Pope Urban II’s call?


A) The promise of riches and land

B) The opportunity to explore new continents

C) The desire to create new trade alliances

D) The chance to establish new educational institutions

E) The promise of absolution from sin and the chance to gain eternal glory in heaven.

A) The promise of riches and land

E) The promise of absolution from sin and the chance to gain eternal glory in heaven

Justification: Many Europeans joined the Crusades because Pope Urban II promised them riches and land, and also said they would be forgiven for their sins and gain a place in heaven.


Which of the following was a significant advancement made by Islamic scholars?

A) The concept of zero

B) The theory of relativity

C) The discovery of America

D) The invention of the steam engine

A) The concept of zero.

Justification: Islamic scholars developed and popularized the concept of zero, which was important for even more advances in mathematics.


How did the manorial system support the feudal system?

A) By providing a system of trade between towns.

B) By creating a network of religious schools.

C) By organizing land into self-sufficient estates worked by peasants and serfs.

D) By establishing large city-states.

C) By organizing land into self-sufficient estates worked by peasants and serfs.

Justification: The manorial system was based on self-sustaining estates that supported the feudal hierarchy.


Which service was commonly provided by monasteries in Medieval Europe?

A) Military training

B) Financial loans

C) Social welfare services

D) Trade negotiations

C) Social welfare services.

Justification: Monasteries provided various social services such as care for the poor and sick, supporting communities, and educating the poor.

#SocialWelfare=Community care


What was a significant (important) impact of Charlemagne's rule on the structure of Europe (how Europe was arranged/organized)?

A) It led to the immediate decline of feudalism.

B) It established the Holy Roman Empire.

C) It increased the power of local city-states.

D) It ended the influence of the Catholic Church.

B) It established the Holy Roman Empire.

Justification: Charlemagne's rule led to the formation of the Holy Roman Empire, which shaped European politics for centuries.


How did the Black Plague affect the feudal system in Europe?

Answer Choices:

A) It strengthened feudal bonds between serfs and lords.

B) It had no effect on the feudal system. 

C) It eliminated the need for feudal lords.

D) It weakened the feudal system by increasing serfs'/ peasants' bargaining power.

 D) It weakened the feudal system by increasing serfs' bargaining power.

Justification: The plague impacted the population decline because millions died, which allowed surviving serfs and peasants to negotiate better terms, weakening the feudal system.


What was one long-term effect of the Crusades on European society?

A) Increased cooperation between European nations

B) Strengthening of feudalism

C) Expansion of trade and cultural exchanges

D) Immediate end to religious conflicts in Europe

C) Expansion of trade and cultural exchanges.

Justification: A long-term effect of the Crusades on European society was an increase in trade with the Middle East, leading to the introduction of new goods, ideas, and cultural influences to Europe.


How did Islamic scholars contribute to medicine during the Middle Ages?


A) By rejecting the use of herbal remedies

B) By establishing hospitals and medical schools

C) By focusing solely on spiritual healing

D) By inventing modern surgical instruments

E) By preserving medical knowledge in medical books/ encyclopedias

B) By establishing hospitals and medical schools.

E) By preserving medical knowledge in medical books/ encyclopedias

Justification: Islamic scholars founded hospitals and medical schools, advancing medical knowledge and practices. Additionally, Islamic Scholars wrote medical literature about diseases and best medical practices.


What was the primary economic activity of monasteries in Medieval Europe?

A) Banking and finance

B) Trading goods with Asian nations

C) Farming and local trade

D) Building fortresses

C) Farming and local trade.

Justification: Monasteries engaged in farming and local trade, which provided economic resources to support religious life.


What was one way the Catholic Church influenced education in Medieval Europe?

A) By creating new universities

B) By hosting public debates

C) By establishing schools in monasteries

D) By funding scientific research

C) By establishing schools in monasteries.

Justification: The Catholic Church played a key role in medieval education through monastery-based schools (schools ran in the monasteries).


How did Charlemagne’s military campaigns affect his kingdom?

A) They led to the spread of the Black Death.

B) They expanded his kingdom and spread Christianity.

C) They created a large empire with no central control.

D) They resulted in a peaceful treaty with all neighboring lands.

B) They expanded his kingdom and spread Christianity.

Justification: Charlemagne’s military campaigns wer conquests. As he conquered territory/took land, he expanded his empire. As he took land he spread Christianity to his new terriroties.


What was a social change that resulted from the Black Plague in Europe?

A) The growth of the Catholic Church’s power

B) The decline in the use of the feudal system

C) The rise of new monarchies

D) The increase in trade with Asia

B) The decline in the use of the feudal system.

Justification: The decline in population due to the plague contributed to the weakening of the feudal system.


Which significant conflict was part of the Hundred Years’ War?

A) The War of the Roses

B) The Battle of Hastings

C) The Battle of Agincourt

D) The War of the Spanish Succession

C) The Battle of Agincourt.

Justification: The battle of Agincourt was a significant military blow to France and paved the way for further English conquests and successes. The French nobility, weakened by the defeat and divided among themselves, were unable to meet new attacks .


What was one way that Islamic architecture influenced Europe during the Middle Ages?

A) The introduction of Renaissance art

B) The development of Gothic cathedrals

C) The incorporation of intricate geometric designs and domes

D) The creation of fortified castles

C) The incorporation of intricate geometric designs and domes.

Justification: Islamic architecture, with its uniques geometric designs and domes, influenced European architectural styles.


Prompt: Explain how the social structure in Medieval Europe was organized based on the feudal and manorial systems.

Evidence 1: “This illustration shows the social and political structure of societies in Medieval Europe. In this structure, either the Catholic Church or a king owned all of the land in a territory and gave some to nobles in exchange for military service or rent.”

The social structure in Medieval Europe was organized based on the feudal and manorial systems, in which, the king was at the top, nobles were given land and provided military service, and peasants and serfs worked the land in exchange for protection.


Prompt: Describe two ways the Catholic Church strengthened its power in Medieval Europe.

Evidence #1:  “The Catholic Church often owned large amounts of land that they used for monasteries. They engaged in economic activities like farming, and trading. This showed the Catholic Church’s economic power at the time.”

The Catholic Church strengthened its power by owning large amounts of land for monasteries and engaging in farming and local trade, which increased its economic influence.


Prompt:Explain how Charlemagne’s rule impacted the political structure of Europe.

Evidence #1: “On Christmas Day in 800, Charlemagne went to mass at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. There, many people cheered in him. There, Pope Leo III placed a golden crown upon his head. He said that Charlemagne was now the emperor of the West (Europe).” 

Charlemagne’s rule impacted the political structure of Europe by unifying Europe under a central authority through establishing the Holy Roman Empire, as he was crowned emperor by the Pope.


Prompt: Describe an economic and social effect of the Black Plague on European society.

Evidence 1: “As the Black Plague continued, the death of so many people led to a smaller workforce. The serf’s labor suddenly became an important – and increasingly rare – asset. Because so many peasants and serfs died, the survivors were able to negotiate for better pay and treatment.”

The Black Plague had an economic effect of higher wages for surviving workers,due to the population decrease, and a social effect of better living conditions for serfs and peasants due to the increased need for their labor.


Prompt: Describe the impact of Joan of Arc’s leadership on the Hundred Years’ War.

Evidence 1: “Joan of Arc’s leadership and military guidance helped the French army achieve significant victories against the English. Her presence and influence were instrumental in turning the tide of the war in favor of France.”

Joan of Arc’s leadership impacted the Hundred Years' War by motivating the French to win key victories, which greatly affected the outcome of the Hundred Years’ War in favor of France.


Prompt: Explain how Islamic scholars contributed to the preservation and expansion of classical knowledge during the medieval period.

Evidence 1: “Islamic scholars were instrumental in preserving and expanding classical knowledge. They translated Greek and Roman texts into Arabic, which were later reintroduced to Europe, significantly influencing European intellectual development.”

Islamic scholars contributed to the preservation and expansion of classical knowledge by translating important Greek and Roman texts into Arabic and building on these ideas in areas like medicine and astronomy.
