Unusual Museums
Know Your Cheeses
Thanks a Million
Answer Like A Pirate

These are the three types we used to classify rocks, based on how they were formed. 

What are Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary?


These are the three branches of the US Government

What are Executive (president), Legislative (congress), Judicial (courts)?


Next time you take the ferry to Peaks Island, remember to check out Nancy 3. Hoffman's museum dedicated to this seemingly banal and often discarded item. 

What are umbrella covers?


This soft Italian cheese, a popular filling for lasagnas and cannoli, is used from the whey that is left over when making other cheeses. 

What is Ricotta?


In Spain, you would of course hear Gracias. But in this smaller country to the west, you would hear Obrigado or Obrigada, depending on the gender of the speaker. 

What is Portugal?


There are 21 different species of this animal that inhabits the southwest US, central America and South America. 

What is an ARRGH-madillo?


This stratovolcano erupted on May 18, 1980, killing over 50 people and causing over $1.1 billion in damage in Washington.

What is Mount St Helens?


This multisyllabic "G" word is used to describe the practice establishing a political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating district boundaries. 

What is Gerrymandering?


Nestled away in North Berkeley, CA lies a museum that claims to be the world’s first and only totally dedicated this fastening tool with a threaded hole that allows it to screw onto something. 

What is a Wingnut?


Also known as the King of Cheeses, this cheese is a "Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) cheese that can only be produced in specific regions of Italy. 

What is Parmigiano Reggiano?

Bologna, Reggio Emilia, Mantua, Modena, or Parma


Большое спасибо [Bol’shoye spasiba] is Thank you very much in this Cyrilic tongue. 

What is Russian?


This band of heroes from Greek mythology accompanied Jason on his quest to find the Golden Fleece?

Who are the AAARG-onauts?


Geologists and gemologists use this scale to measure the "scratchability" of minerals and gemstones, ranking them based on their ability to scratch or become scratched by other substances. On this scale, talc is #1 and Diamond is #10. 

What is the Mohs Hardness Scale?


"Commonwealth" is a traditional English term used to describe a political community as having been founded for the common good, and is in the official name of these four states.

What are Kentucky, Virginia, Massachussetts and Pennsylvania?


In St. Petersburg, FL you will find Schrader's Little Cooperstown, which boasts the largest collection of autographed these. Founder Dennis Schrader began his collection upon meeting Mickey Mantle in 1956 and now has over 5000 in his collection. 

What are baseballs?


Polyphemus, the best known of these mythic giants, was a character in Homer's The Odyssey and a cheesemaker. 

What is a Cyclops?

Fun food history fact: If you look back at the Odyssey, you'll see that Odysseus and his men actually were waiting outside the Cyclops' cheese cave for him. They even broke in, offered some cheeses as a sacrifice, and then came back to fight.


In this country, one of the three Baltic states (with Lithuania and Estonia), you would say Liels paldies.

What is Latvia?


THis is a collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution, or group of people. 

What is an AARGH-chive?


In terms of the geographic time scale, of EPOCH, AGE or PERIOD, this is the longest. 

What is PERIOD?

(Eras and Eons are longer than Periods.) 


48 U.S. states are divided into counties. Alaska is instead divided into boroughs. This southern state has unique intra-state division by using a system of 64 parishes.

What is Louisiana?


Medora, in this Great Plains state is home to the Cowboy Hall of Fame, at the foothills of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. It features 3 separate sections, on the Plains indians, homesteading and rodeo, all as they relate to horse culture. 

What is North Dakota?


This stinky blue cheese is named after the region in Northern Italy where it was first produced. 

What is Gorgonzola?


These people, the indigenous Polynesian residents of New Zealand would say Tēnā rawa atu koe. 

Who are the Maori?


Celebrated on the last Friday in April, we often used this holiday as a reason to go out and plant a tree. 

What is AAARGH-bor Day?


This is the name of the supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras and began to break apart about 200 million years ago.


Lajitas, a small border town in Texas, has elected a non-human mayor 4 times, each time was of this domesticated animal in the antelope family known for livening up a yoga class and for eating everything. 

What are goats?


Inside a rural water utility building in Piqua, KS you will find a museum dedicated to The Great Stone Face, this silent movie star who was born there in 1895. 


Cheese is not for everyone. The fear/hatred of cheese is called this. 

What is Turophobia?


In this island nation (made of over 17,000 islands) off the coast of mainland Asia, you would say Anda sungguh baik hati.

What is Indonesia?


 This 11-letter term is commonly used in literature, movies, and television shows. It refers to a person or entity that is the main antagonist of the protagonist, and the two characters are locked in a never-ending struggle.

What is an AAARGH-chnemesis?
