History 1
History 2
Health 1
Health 2

Why does the have melanated people as a syudy? for example Egyptology

Melanated people are talented in ways that Europenas STILL can't figure out how and why our genetics is the way it is. 


why do planes never fly over Antarctica?

Airlines and most private operators avoid flying there because of the extreme weather conditions, lack of emergency landing options, navigation and communication challenges, and environmental considerations. 


How did GOD create humans differently from any other living creature?

GOD created man in HIS own image. 


Which muscles move when you want them to?

Which muscles move without your thinking about it

Voluntary and  involuntary muscles.  


What would happen if the structures inside the cells were not functional?

The cells would not habe a source of energy and they would eventually die 


Why is West Africa significant for African American History?

Both their cultures connects through spiritual belief, resistance and resilience, ancestral connections, and symbols of freedom and emancipation. 


If monkeys evolved into humans, why are monkeys still monkeys?

It is a common misconception about evolution. the idea confuses us to hide us from the truth. 

We were created by GOD. There is no mistake in HIS creation. 


What is health?

The complete well-being of a person.


Order from smallest to largest.

Body, cell, organ, system, tissue

cell, tissue, organ, system, body


What is the nucleus?

It is the control center of a cell.


What does the Egyptian pyramid do on a US dollar bill?

It is a powerful representation of the nation's ideals of endurance, growth and divine guidance


How did NASA 'Lose" the footage of the moon

NASA didn't 'lose' the moon landing footage. the original high-quality tapes were likely erased and reused as part of routine data management practices.


What are cells?

The smallest parts of living things. Buiding blocks that make up organisms. 


Which part of the nervous system carries messages to and from the brain?

the spinal cord 


What is the cell membrane?

It is the window screen of a cell.


Why are ancient african civilizations important?

They are the cradle of Humanity. They had advanced knowledge and technolog, political and economic power, cultural influence, contribution to African American history, nad the inspiration for modern society.


Why have we never gone back to the moon?

If it was possible to go back to the moon, it wouldve have been done already with no hesitation. the government will never have financial issues fornew discoveries.


Why is the nervous system so important for the body?

It coordinates all activities of the body. 


How do sensory nerves help you?

They send messages from the senses to the brain so that your brain can tell your body how to respond. 


What is the mitochondrion of a cell?

It is the powerhouse of a cell


Why did 56 countries sign a treaty not to venture into Antarctica?

It was signed to ensure that Antarctica would remain a zone of peace and science, free from military conflict, territorial disputes, and commercial exploitation.


How does 95% of DNA is garbage DNA?

The idea of garbage DNA is outdated. 


How does GOD design of your body protect the central nervous system?

The brain is protected by the skull; the spinl cord is protected by the backbone. 


Can you name parts of the eye?

The sclera, the cornea, the pupil, the iris, and the lens. 


What is the chloroplast of a cell?

It is the solar panel of a cell.
