Acts and Compromises, Oh My!
Name that Old Dead White Guy

This 1865 amendment to the US Constitution abolished slavery.

What is the 13th Amendment?


This United States Supreme Court case contributed to sectional tensions and enraged Northern abolitionists.

What is Dred Scott vs. Sandford?


This compromise allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state while allowing Maine to enter as a Free State and kept the balance of power in Congress between North and South.

What is the Missouri Compromise?


This man was president during the American Civil War.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


This state seceded from the Union in December of 1860 because they believed that Abraham Lincoln's election threatened the survival of slavery.

What is South Carolina?


This 1870 amendment to the US constitution granted African American men suffrage.

What is the 15th Amendment


New territory won from Mexico after this war led to increased sectionalism between North and South over slavery.  

What is the Mexican-American War?


This Compromise included the Fugitive Slave Act and the idea of Popular Sovereignty.

What is the Compromise of 1850


This man killed supporters of slavery in Kansas and attempted to start a slave rebellion by stealing weapons from a federal arsenal in Harper's Ferry.

Who is John Brown?


The first shots of the Civil War were fired at this fort in the Charleston Harbor.

What is Fort Sumter?


This 1868 amendment to the US constitution granted citizenship to everyone born in the US, regardless of their former condition of servitude.

What is the 14th Amendment

This part of the Compromise of 1850 enraged Northern abolitionist because they were forced to return runaway slaves to their masters in the South.

What is the Fugitive Slave Act?


This Compromise allowed Rep. Rutherford B. Hayes to become President, removed soldiers from the South, and returned voting rights to former confederates.

What is the Compromise of 1877


This U.S. President continued Lincoln's lenient Reconstruction Plan policy and was eventually impeached over his efforts to undermine Congressional (Radical) Reconstruction.

Who is Andrew Johnson?


This very first women's rights convention called for equal rights and suffrage for women and published the Declaration of Sentiments.

What is the Seneca Falls Convention?


This governmental agency was created to help newly freed African Americans and poor whites recover at the end of the Civil War.

What is the Freedmen's Bureau


This event was a failed slave uprising in Virginia that resulted in more restrictions being placed on slaves in the South.

What is Nat Turner's Rebellion?

This Act repealed the Missouri Compromise and allowed the issue of slavery in Kansas and Nebraska to be resolved though Popular Sovereignty.

What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act


This man was the author of the American System, Missouri Compromise, and the Compromise of 1850.

Who is Henry Clay?


These Acts made it a federal crime to interfere with someone's right to vote and were passed in response to the violence and intimidation faced by African American voters.

What are the KKK/Enforcement Acts?


These laws placed restrictions on the freedoms of the newly freed slaves in the South.

What are the Black Codes?


This event was an unintended consequence of the Kansas-Nebraska Act which included violence between Pro-Slavery and Anti-Slavery forces.

What is Bleeding/Bloody Kansas?


This Act passed by Radical Republicans can be considered successful in that it created standards for the protection of rights and the restoration of the Union following the Civil War.

What is the Reconstruction Act of 1867


This Old Dead White Guy was the leader of the Radical Republicans who wanted to punish the South for seceding from the Union.

Who is Thaddeus Stevens?


This short-lived political party wanted to stop the spread of slavery into the western territories and later became the Republican Party.

What is the Free Soil Party?
