Costco makes the most profit on what
What is membership
TIV to get 1K of iPhone 16 Pro
what Time is check in on the Saturday and Sunday
8:30 Saturday and 9:00 Sunday
What’s the name of our groupchat
High rollers
What was the first Pixar movie?
Toy Story
What is Costcos signature brand
True or False
is G.F and A.R the same
How much Costco Cash does a member receive when porting 2BYODs
The only Artist I won’t play on the atmo playlist
50 cent
Which athlete has won the most Olympic medals?
Michael Phelps
The price of a Costco Glizzy
What is $1.50
The price of AT&T ultimate Prem for 1 Line
What is $10
During store hours when can the kiosk be unstaffed
what is NEVER
What is the name of the office building
What City am i from
Palm Beach
Where is Costco Headquarters
Wheres AT&T Headquarters
when a phone is cracked to the still get trade in credit
Who were the last two visitors that we had in our office
Colby and Nico
What tree do acorns come from
What Oak Tree
Top selling item in Costco is
What is Toilet paper
What is 15.99
What is the only company we can not port over
What is Cricket
What is the Nickname for Wednesdays
Win Wednesday
#1Billboard song right now
A Bar Song by Shaboozey