He is a famous spy known as 007.
James Bond
In this year, NYITCOM expanded to a second campus in this southern state.
This triangular candy is a seasonal favorite made primarily of sugar and corn syrup.
Candy corn
These 2 teams played in the 2023 Season Super Bowl.
San Fransico 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs
Facebook and Brittney Spears took off during this decade.
Who's the actor behind the Iron Man suit?
Robert Downey Jr.
In what year did NY College of Osteopathic medicine become established?
This superstition suggests that if you cross paths with this animal on Halloween, it may bring bad luck.
a Black Cat
This female tennis player has won 23 Grand Slam singles titles.
Serena Williams
This decade featured disco music and the release of "Saturday Night Fever"
This animated TV show, featuring a family of yellow characters, is the longest-running American sitcom.
The Simpsons
Occurring each March, is when students find out where they will complete their residency training.
Match Day
This character, known for his striped sweater, haunts the dreams of teenagers in their sleep.
Freddy Krueger
This college basketball tournament during spring, is famously known as what?
March Madness
During this decade, you may have been dancing to "Thriller" by Michael Jackson in your neon parachute pants
This film shows the rise and fall of a stockbroker who engages in securities fraud.
The Wolf of Wallstreet
Dr. Riland was the personal physician to this former President
President Nixon
In what town did the Witch Trials take place?
Salem, MA
What does ESPN stand for?
Entertainment and Sports Programming Network
The age of flappers, jazz music, and the stock market crash characterizes this decade
In his first feature film, he played the Scarecrow in The Wiz.
Michael Jackson
Who is the NYITCOM alum who is the current White House Physician to the president?
Kevin O’Connor (D.O. ’92)
In which country did Halloween originate.
These 2 NFL teams have won the most Super Bowl titles, at 6 each.
Steelers and Patriots
The introduction of color television took place in this decade.