General Knowledge

What color is the "A" that Pearl creates?



What does Pearl do to recreate her mother's scarlet letter?

"Pearl took some eel-grass and imitated, as best as she could, on her own bossom, the decoration with which she was so familar on her mother. A letter-the letter A-but freshly green, instead of scarlet!"


Why does Hester hate Chillingworth?

Hester regrets marrying Chillingworth, because she could never love him.


How does Hester feel when Pearl asks her the questions regarding the scarlet letter?

Hester feels uncomfortable and tries to avoid the questions. 


What three questions does Pearl repeatedly ask?

"What does the letter mean, mother? And why do you wear it? And why does the minister keep his hand over his heart?"


Hester refuses to answer Pearl’s question about the meaning of the “A.” Why does Hester not confide in Pearl?

Hester refuses to answer Pearls questions because she does not want Pearl to know that she was the result of the sin she commited. 


Why does Pearl ask about why Hester wears the scarlet letter and why the minister holds his hand over his heart?

Pearl senses something connected between the scarlet letter and Dimmesdale. 


How does Hester answer when Pearl continuously asks her about the scarlet letter? 

"Do not tease me; else I shall shut thee into the dark closet!"


What does Hester realize about her “repentance”?

She realizes that even though she has been publicly shamed and accepted her sin, she does not think that her repentance she shown is what she truly felt inside. She realizes real repentance comes from change inside and not suffering 


Why does Hawthorne portray Pearl as such a wild child?

To reflect the result of the sin Hester committed, and how her wildness contrasts with the Puritan beliefs of the society. 


What quote shows that Pearl understands what the scarlet letter means?

"Dost thou know, child, wherefore thy mother wears this letter?" "Truly do I!" answered Pearl, looking brightly into her mother's face. "It is for the same reason that the minister keeps his hand over his heart!"


What is Hester coming to realize is the true sin she has committed? Why would Hawthorne consider this a worse sin that her sin with Dimmsdale?

Hester realizes that she married a man she did not truly love and that worse than the sin she commited. 


Does Hester think she can provide happiness for Pearl?

No, Hester thinks her own life is to burdened by the consequences of her actions.


Which quote shows Pearl observing that Hester cannot experience pure happiness?

""Mother, the sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself, because it is afraid of something on your bosom."


How have Hester’s conversations with Chillingworth and Pearl changed her attitude toward herself and her sin?

Conversations with Chillingworth and Pearl make her see her sin differently, she realizes how much hatred she has for Chillingworth, and that her sin has shaped her and does not define her.
