Scientific Models
Solutions, Mixtures, and Solvents
Measurements and Conversion
Final jeopardy: (Chemistry)

This atomic model describes the atom as having a dense nucleus surrounded by electrons orbiting in set paths, like planets around the Sun.

What is the Bohr model?


This is the term for a mixture where one substance is completely dissolved in another, like salt in water.

What is a solution?


In the metric system, this is the basic unit of length, commonly used to measure short distances.

What is a meter?


This principle explains that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant, meaning energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but only change forms. It's crucial in understanding both chemical reactions and physical processes. 

What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?


Scientific models can either be a physical representation, like a globe, or a representation of an idea or process, like the water cycle. These two types of models are called this.

What are physical and conceptual models?


In a solution, this is the substance that gets dissolved. An example would be sugar in sugar water.

What is the solute?


If you have 1 kilogram of rice, you have this many grams.

What is 1,000 grams?


This physicist developed the quantum atomic model, which explains the behavior of electrons as both particles and waves, rather than moving in fixed orbits.

Who is Erwin Schrödinger?


This process can be used to separate a mixture of a liquid and a solid by evaporating the liquid, leaving the solid behind.

What is evaporation or crystallization?


To convert a temperature from Celsius to Kelvin, you add this number to the Celsius temperature.

What is 273.15?
