Chapter 1/2: AT
Chapter 3: EBP
Chapter 5: Workplace/Prevention
Chapter 12: Acute Injuries
Chapter 7: Behavioral Health

What is the preferred terminology for athletic trainers? (2)

Athletic Trainer and AT


What does the DASH questionnaire stand for?

Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand score


What does OSHA stand for?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration


List and explain the differences between the 2 splints discussed in class.

SAM splint: Cheaper, more feasible, used for less traumatic event

Vacuum splint: More expensive, traumatic injuries. 


What does the OARS acronym stand for?

Open ended questions, affirming, reflecting, summarizing. 


What does "standard of care" mean?

The actions that a minimally competent individual with similar training and education would take in similar circumstances. 


What is the difference between patient oriented outcomes and clinician/disease oriented outcomes?

Patient oriented: Things about which patients would be concerned about. Symptom improvement, health care cost, quality of life. 

Disease oriented: Physiological information. Blood pressure, joint range of motion, girth measurement after injury. 


List 4 physical characteristics measurements within a biometric screening?

Height, weight, BMI, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose, anaerobic fitness tests, aerobic fitness tests. 


What is crepitus?

Cracking sound in the body near joints. 


Eating disorders include three disorders within the slides, they are?

Anorexia nervosa, bulimia and binge-eating


Evidence based medicine is made up of these 3 ideas/things..

Patient values/preferences, Best evidence and clinical expertise


What does PICO stand for and why do we create one?

Patient/problem, intervention, comparison, outcome. 

To develop a clinical question. 


What does MOI stand for and provide 1 example of an MOI to a specific injury

Mechanism of Injury

List 3 red flags indicating a serious emergency resulting in activation of the EAP. 

Unconscious, respiratory distress, airway obstruction, no pulse, sever chest or abdominal pain, bleeding and many more.


There were 5 stressors for mental health disorders listed that athletes may experience, name 3 of these.

Risk of injury, being injured, rehabilitation, career ending injury, Name image and likeness. 


What is it called when the patient (or parent/guardian for a minor) provides verbal or written allowance for medical treatment? Also included during human subject research.

Informed Consent


What is the highest quality of evidence within the hierarchy pyramid of evidence?

Systematic Review


What two questions could you ask during a cardiovascular examination?

Not limited to..

Chest pain or discomfort after exercise?

Dizziness or syncope?

Shortness of breath/get tired more quickly than others during exercise? 


When determining level of responsiveness we can check the ABC's in addition to the AVPU scale. What do these acronyms stand for?

Airway, breathing and circulation

Alert, voice, pain, unresponsive. 


There were 11 signs and symptoms listed to assess psychological well-being, list 4 of them. 

Social withdrawal, irritability, excessive worry, changes in sleep patterns, excessive worry, changes in sleep patterns, change in appetite, denying the seriousness or extent of injury, lack of motivation, change in mood, suicidal thoughts, change in mood etc


What are the 3 arms of athletic training and explain what each arm provides to the profession.

CAATE: Educational arm

BOC: regulates the practice of AT by establishing the standard of practice via initial and continuing education. 

NATA: Responsible for the growth and development of the profession. 


What is a Boolean term?

"and", "or", "not"


What are the two formats for a PPE and how do they differ?

Individual: PCP, familiarity, relationship and privacy

Group/station: Increased # of professionals, less cost, time efficient. 

List 5 components of the EAP

Implementation, Personnel, Equipment, Communication, Transportation, Venue Location, Emergency Care Facilities, Documentation


There were 4 mental health disorders I asked you to review since we didn't get to in class. What were they?

Depression, Anxiety, PTSD and Eating disorder
