Alcohol and Other Drugs
Interpersonal Violence
Sexual Health
General Wellness
Stress and Mental Health

This is the number of drinks per hour your liver can safely process.

1 drink per hour. Any more drinks and your liver is unable to safely process the toxins


What is consent?

Consent is an enthusiastic/engaged yes that is not given under coercion, duress, false pretenses, or if someone is incapacitated.


True or False: It is safer to use two condoms rather than one.

False. The friction between them increases the risk that one will fall off or that one of them will break.


True or False. Calories are the most important thing to look for nutritionally.

False. Looking at nutrients and types of food/ingredients are equally healthy when examining food.


Name 3 Healthy Coping Skills

  • 3 of the following: 

    • Exercise, rest, spending time with friends, 

    • calling a loved one, reading a good book, 

    • watching a comfort movie, eating a healthy meal


Binge drinking is defined as consuming ___ or more drinks on an occasion for a male assigned at birth and  ____ or more drinks on an occasion for a female assigned at birth.

  • 5 or more for men and 4 or more for women.

  • An occasion can be considered one night 

  • Source


This is an office on campus you can go to for support if you have experienced interpersonal violence of any kind.

  • Title IX-They provide resources and options to students who have experienced gender-based violence or discrimination.

Or CAPS- they provide confidential one on one and group counseling


Name 3 things you should check before using a condom

Expiration date, damage to the package (holes, tears), consent from partner


What is the amount of sleep someone 18 years and older should get each night?

  • 7 hours or more. 

  • Source


This is the office you can go to on campus for individual or group counseling, as well as workshops, for either mental health or substance use support

CAPS: Counseling and Psychological Services.

CAPS can refer you to the CWP to meet with a licensed clinical addiction specialist for substance use counseling.


Name one of the programs on campus that is designed to help moderate or recover from substance use.

  • BASICS provides 1:1 coaching to discuss your alcohol use and strategies to moderate it.

  • OR Charlotte Recovery Program provides a safe space for students in recovery from substance use.


This is the name of the training on campus you can attend to learn how to recognize, intervene, and prevent sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking

Green Dot. This is housed in the Center for Wellness Promotion and multiple trainings per semester are given.


What is the most common symptom of a STI?

No Symptoms. Many STDs can be transmitted or cause long-term harm without you feeling any symptoms.


What is the recommended amount of moderate-intensity physical activity per week for a healthy adult?

  • 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week.

    • It could be 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. You can spread your activity out during the week and break it up into smaller chunks of time 

  • Source


______%  of young adults (ages 18-24) first tell a friend they are feeling suicidal before telling anyone else.

67%  of young adults (ages 18-24) first tell a friend they are feeling suicidal before telling anyone else.

Visit to learn about how to help someone who is struggling.  We offer Question, Persuade, Refer and Mental Health First Aid training opportunities at NO COST.


Either name the law that protects those who seek medical help for people experiencing an emergency such as an overdose or the UNC Charlotte policy that protects those who seek emergency help during an emergency.

The North Carolina Good Samaritan Law/Medical Amnesty or the Help Seeking Protocol


What are two ways you can support a survivor of interpersonal violence?

  • Validate their feelings & emotions

  • Listen and check in with them

  • Connect them to resources

  • Ask them how you can help

  • Respect their privacy and agency

  • Tell them you believe them


Once you have contracted HIV, how long will it take to be detectable on an HIV test?

  • It can take up to 3 months after HIV exposure for it to be detected on a test. This is why it is important to continually get tested. 

  • Source


Where can you go on campus to receive free nutrition counseling?

Student Health Center. Registered Dietician Danielle Samelson can help tailor a nutrition plan to you. This service is included in your tuition/fees.


About 1 in _____ US adults will experience a mental illness at some point in their lives

  • 1 in 5 US adults will experience a mental illness at some point in their lives

  • Source


What are 4 signs of an alcohol overdose?

  • Puking while passed out. 

  • Unresponsive to touch or sound

  • Breathing is irregular

Skin is cold and/or blue.


Name 3 reasons why it is difficult for someone to leave an abusive relationship.

  • They don’t know where to get help

  • They fear no one will believe them 

  • It is dangerous for them to leave 

    • The most dangerous time for someone in an abusive relationship is when they try to leave 

  • They are financially dependent on that person 

  • They love that person 

  • They have been isolated and have no one to go to 

  • They don’t recognize their relationship is abusive

  • They hope things will change 

  • They share a life together (children, home)

  • The abuser controls their documents


If you have a condom request, what campus department do you contact?

Center for Wellness Promotion


Name three consequences of using e-cigarettes or vaping? 

  • E-cigarettes still contain nicotine. 

    • 99% of the e-cigarettes sold in the US contain nicotine.

      • Even those labeled as 0% nicotine still contain nicotine. 

  • Nicotine affects your brain development. 

  • Your body will go through withdrawal if you stop using nicotine. 

    • Nicotine withdrawal symptoms include irritability, restlessness, feeling anxious or depressed, trouble sleeping, problems concentrating, and craving nicotine.3 People may keep using tobacco products to help relieve these symptoms.4

  • Nicotine negatively affects the way your brain creates memories. 

  • Vaping is not harmless water vapor. The aerosol contains many harmful chemicals.

  • Source


Name one place you can connect with mental health support 24/7?

  • CAPS just call 704-687-0311 

    • after hours call the main line and +0

  • OR National Suicide Hotline 988

  • Crisis Textline 741741
