Text & Graphic Features
Key Ideas and Details

What cause Sam to Start having doubts about basketball?

Page 5-9: He wonders whether seeing the sign for the play, and having the play be based on books that he loves, might be his chance to try acting.


Why does the author include the poster?

To announce the school play.


Why does the title of the play grab Sam's attention?

The play is based on his favorite book series. 


What problem does Sam Have after he gets a role in the play?

Page 18-19: He needs to tell his parents about the play but is afraid.


Why are the illustrations of the characters included on page 6 and 7?

To show what the characters from The Great Waldo book look like.


How does Sam feel about getting a part in the play? 

What causes his mood to change when he gets home?

Excited and happy

The coach told Dad that Sam isn't taking basketball practice seriously, and that makes Sam feel bad. 


How does Sam's problems get worse once he starts rehearsing for the play?

Page 22: Rehearsals and basketball practice would overlap. He's have to miss some rehearsals. He hasn't told his parents about the play.


Why does the author include a picture of Miles or Sam at the beginning of each chapter?

To let readers know who each chapter is about.


Why does Mr. Norton give Sam a bigger role?

Miles breaks his leg, so he can't play the role of Waldo. Jemima replaces Miles as Waldo, and Sam take her role.


What event leads Ms. Norton to make a big change in the play?
How does this change affect Sam?

Page 26-30: Miles breaks his leg.
Miles can't play Waldo, so Jemima moves into Mile's role. Sam gets Jemima's role.


How does the illustration on page 26 support what you read in the text about how Miles gets hurt?

It shows how Zane knocked Miles sideways. 


How do Sam's parents react to the news that Sam is going to be in a play?

Mom is happy, but Dad is concerned that it will interfere with basketball.


What important event happens at the dinner table?
How does Dad react to the news?
How do his parents' reactions compare to Sam's expectations?

Page 32-34: Sam finally tells his parents he's in the play.
Dad isn't happy that the play will interfere with basketball.
Sam expects his parents to be unhappy. His dad is upset and at a loss for words about Sam's news, but his mom is both surprised and proud.


The kids see a dark room. What does this represent? Page 46-47

The dark room represents the audience waiting in an auditorium or theater. 


How do Dad's feelings about Sam's acting change after the music and drama night?

He is still worried about basketball, but he thinks Sam does a good job in the play.
