
In the entire animal kingdom, what is the only male animal known to give birth?

A) Kangaroo     B) Bats     C) Seahorses     D) Hornets




Which sea is the saltiest natural lake and is also at the lowest elevation on the face of the earth? 

A) The Dead Sea      B) The Pacific Ocean     C) The Mariana Trench

 The Dead Sea


The most abundant organic molecule on the surface of the Earth is: 

A) Cellulose     B) Chitin     C) DNA     D) Hemoglobin



Which of the following is the cause of soil pollution? 

A) Ozone     B) Aerosol     C) Acid rain

Acid rain, because rain droplets absorb the sulphur and nitrogen oxides present in the air pollution


Which of the following is said to be a biodegradable waste?

A) Plastics     B) Glasses     C) Eggshell     D) Polystyrene

Eggshell, because they consist 95% of calcium carbonate which can decompose very quickly


The fastest-running terrestrial animal is: 

A) Cheetah     B) Lion     C) Man     D) Jaguar



Why is ‘unsustainable’ palm oil harmful? 

A) The production can destroy the homes of many animals. 

B) It uses far too much water to produce and can cause draughts. 

C) It is harmful to the economy.

The production can destroy the homes of many animals.


What colorless, pungent gas is often dissolved in water to yield a solution that is used as a biological preservative? 

A) Acetic acid       B) Formaldehyde      C) Baking soda 



Marine debris is made up of many different types of human-made materials:

Please list out 2 types of marine debris.

Paper, metals, glass, textiles, and plastic


Factors that contribute to the breakdown of plastics are:

A) Exposure to moonlight, water and temperature of the environment

B) Amount of oxygen, microorganisms and sunlight

C) Salinity, location and infrared radiation

Answer: B

Amount of oxygen, microorganisms and sunlight


Which of the following is primarily composed of calcium carbonate? 

A) Fish scales   B) Shark teeth   C) Oyster Shells   D) Whale bones

Oyster Shells


The main reason causing atmospheric greenhouse effect is:

Absorption and re-emission of ________ by the atmosphere

A) Ultraviolet radiations     B) Infrared radiations     C) Visible light

Infrared radiations


What poisonous compound is extracted from tobacco leaves and widely used as an insecticide? 

A) Caffeine       B) Morphine      C) Marijuana       D) Nicotine



 The uses of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) re as

A) Insulators     B) Aerosol propellants     C) Refrigerants     D) All of the above

All of the above

Explanation: Chlorofluorocarbons (CFSs) are used to manufacture the blowing agents for foams and packing materials as refrigerants and as solvents. They are also used to manufacture aerosol sprays. 


Plastic is able to biodegradable, meaning it breaks into smaller pieces but does not return to normal chemical compounds found in nature.

A) True     B) False

False, most plastic is non-biodegradable and they photodegrade, breaking down under exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, into smaller and smaller pieces.


How many eggs can sea turtles lay at one time?

A) Up to 180 eggs

B) Up to 300 eggs

C) Up to 60 eggs

D) Up to 240 eggs

Answer: A

Female sea turtles travel great distances across the ocean and onto shore where they dig a hole in the sand and lay their eggs. They then lay clutches of up to 180 eggs at a time. 

They return about two weeks later to deposit another clutch of eggs, and may return a few more times before the nesting season is over.


Which international treaty aimed to  compound is a common component of air pollution, but is essential in the upper atmosphere to protect life on earth? ANSWER: OZONE

A) The Montreal Protocol     

B) The Kyoto Protocol     

C) Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

The Montreal Protocol


The human body is approximately 99% comprised of just six elements: 

What are the elements?

i. Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen

ii. sulfur, potassium, sodium

iii. carbon, calcium, and phosphorus

Answer: i and iii

Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, and phosphorus.


Which of the following gas destroys the chlorophyll present in the plant leaves?

A) SO3     B) H2S     C) SO2     D) CO2


Sulpur dioxide (SO2) causes the bleaching of plants due to the presence of a high amount of sulfuric acid.


Studies show that as many as 50% of sea turtles are ingesting plastic at an unprecedented rate, and many are dying because of it. How many sea turtle species are listed as threatened or endangered?

A) 3 

B) 5

C) 7

Answer: C

There are 7 different species of sea turtles that call our oceans home. 

While these highly migratory species periodically come ashore to either bask or nest, sea turtles spend the bulk of their lives in the ocean. 

Six of these species are threatened or endangered. They are Green, Hawksbill, Kemp’s Ridley, Loggerhead, Leatherback, and Olive Ridley.


One serious concern raised over ecological restoration is:

A) Wetlands should be used for farming practices instead of cutting down forests.

B) We should reintroduce endangered species through captive breeding to protect the fragile ecosystems.

C) The spreading belief that we can degrade habitat in one place and then replace or restore it in another, without fear of any net loss.  

Answer: C

Critical Issue: We cannot degrade habitat in one place and then replace or restore it in another since the disturbances are environmental changes that alter ecosystem structure and function.


Which animal group has the highest proportion of threatened species? 

A) Felines     B) Insects     C) Fishes     D) Amphibians  

Amphibians, with an estimated 40.7% of species are globally threatened due to been habitat loss caused by human activities like razing of rainforests to graze cattle, draining wetlands for development and building roads. 


Which two gases are used to disinfect water in sewage treatment facilities? 

A) Helium and Nitrogen 

B) Ozone and Chlorine

C) Oxygen and Hydrogen 

D) Nitrogen and Chlorine 

Ozone and Chlorine


The two primary sources of habitat loss (the ones having the largest impact) are:

A) Burning fossil fuels and deforestation 

B) Agriculture and urbanization

C) Resource extraction and the release of pollutants

Agriculture and urbanization, because to feed and develop cities for an ever-growing population would require all of the above (Burning fossil fuels, deforestation, resource extraction and the release of pollutants).


The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) is the largest accumulation of ocean plastic in the world , but it isn’t the only one, there are 3 other major vortexes of ocean plastic. Pick the correct option.

A) The South-China Garbage Patch

B) The Indian Ocean Garbage Patch

C) The Greenland Garbage Patch

Correct Answers:

The Indian Ocean Garbage Patch 

The South Pacific Garbage Patch

The North Atlantic Garbage Patch
