Myths About Alcohol
Myths About Drugs
Campus Resources
Safe Choices

Hangovers are caused by this... not by switching types of alcohol, as the liver struggles to maintain normal blood sugar levels.

What is the amount of alcohol consumed and the rate at which it is consumed?


This drug is falsely believed to be 'safe' because it’s natural, but it can still impair short-term memory and coordination.

What is marijuana?


This campus service provides confidential counseling for students dealing with alcohol and drug-related issues.

What is Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS)?


If someone passes out from drinking, the first thing you should do is place them in this position to prevent choking.

What is the recovery position?


Since nearly half the alcohol consumed in the U.S. comes from this beverage, it’s possible to develop alcoholism even if you only drink this.

What is beer?


Even though these substances are natural, they can still cause dangerous psychological effects, especially when used in high doses or with other substances.

What are mushrooms and marijuana?


This office at Ohio University offers educational programs, resources, and workshops on substance abuse prevention and responsible decision-making.

What is the Office of Health Promotion?


If you choose to drink, this is the recommended number of drinks per hour to stay within safer limits.

What is one drink per hour?


Neither black coffee nor a cold shower can sober you up—only this natural process can rid your body of alcohol.

What is time?


Despite their reputation for increasing energy, these types of drugs can lead to serious health risks like heart attacks or strokes when misused.

What are stimulants?


This Ohio University office can help students struggling with substance use by providing accommodations, referrals, and assistance with their academic success.

What is the Office of the Dean of Students or CARE team?


To avoid dehydration and reduce alcohol’s effects, it's a good idea to alternate alcoholic drinks with this beverage.

What is water?


Despite its initial stimulating effects, alcohol is classified as this type of drug, which slows down the central nervous system.

What is a depressant?


Even though these drugs are prescribed by doctors, taking them without a prescription or misusing them can be just as dangerous as street drugs.

What are prescription drugs?


This on-campus service provides medical care, including consultations related to alcohol and drug use, and is staffed by licensed healthcare professionals.

What is Campus Care (OhioHealth Campus Care)?


If someone is showing signs of alcohol poisoning, this is the first step you should take to ensure their safety.

What is calling 911?


This ability to drink large quantities of alcohol without feeling its effects may indicate the development of this condition, where physical and mental adaptation leads to increased alcohol tolerance.

What is physical dependence?


This highly dangerous drug is sometimes added to other substances without altering the drug’s appearance, making it impossible to detect visually.

What is fentanyl?


This person in your residence hall can help if you're having trouble with alcohol or drugs, offering support and referrals to campus resources.

Who is a Resident Assistant (RA)?


This Ohio University policy allows students to seek medical help for alcohol or drug-related emergencies without fear of disciplinary action.

Medical Amnesty and Responsible Action
