What does a sentence express?
A complete thought
Does a command end in a period?
Where should a period go?
At the end of a statement or command.
does school start next week.
Does school start next week?
What are compound words?
Two words put together to make a new word with a new meaning.
What does a statement do?
Tells something.
What does an exclamation mark look like?
Where should a question mark go?
At the end of a question.
watch out.
Watch out!
Give 3 examples of compound words.
Answers vary
What does a question do?
Asks something.
Is the sentence below a statement?
Have you ever been there?
No, its a question.
Where should an exclamation mark go?
At the end of an exclamation.
put the books in the desk
Put the books in the desk.
What are multiple meaning words?
Are words that have more than one meaning.
What does a question start with?
Interrogative words such as who, what, where, when, why, and how.
Is this sentence an exclamation?
Wow, my grandmother sent me a free ticket!
Fix this sentence below.
what a great day for a parade
What a great day for a parade.
walk down oat street, then turn down third avenue
Walk down Oat Street, then turn down Third Avenue.
Give 2 examples of multiple meaning words.
Answers Vary
What is a command?
Is a sentence that tells someone to do something.
What does an exclamation show?
Excitement or strong feeling.
What are some short "u" sound words?
Answers vary.
do you want strawberry ice cream.
Do you want strawberry ice cream?
What are synonyms and antonyms?
Synonyms are words that have the same meaning and antonyms are words with the opposite meaning.