English Sayings
Aussie Facts

If I tell you something is "a piece of cake", do I mean it's difficult or it's easy?



Give me three verbs (doing words)

For example - run, listen, go


Put this sentence in the right order - 

shopping We go tomorrow will  

We will go shopping tomorrow. 


Give me three words to that you could use to describe the weather.

(Not today's weather, any weather) 

For example, hot, cold, stormy, sunny, wet, windy, humid, freezing


What is the name of the first inhabitants of Australia?

(the people who lived in Australia first)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander 



Which of these DOES NOT mean the same as 'you're welcome?'

- No worries 

- It's my pleasure 

- Excuse me 

Excuse me 

'Excuse me' is a polite way to get someone's attention. 

For example, on a busy train you can say 'excuse me' if you need to move past someone to get off. 

You can also say 'excuse me' if you want to ask someone for help - 'excuse me, can you tell me where the library is?'


What is the past tense of hear?

"He _____ a noise last night"



What mistake have I made in this sentence?

"The students is having a party"

The students are having a party. 

When we are talking about a plural noun (more than one of something) we use ARE instead of IS.


Please correctly pronounce these three words - 

(Do not read aloud) 




Pharmacy (a place to buy medication, means the same as chemist)

Chatterbox (someone who talks too much - chat means talk) 

Midnight (means 12am, the middle of the night) 


Name all six states of Australia 

Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania


If your friend tells you to 'take care and look after yourself' when you say goodbye, what do they mean?

1) they think you are going on a long holiday 

2) they are hoping you stay healthy and well 

3) they are telling you to remember to buy milk

They hope you stay healthy and well! 

'take care' and 'look after yourself' are both expressions that mean you hope the person you talking to avoids any problems and enjoys themselves. 

These expressions are often used when you are talking to someone who is sick, stressed, or you want to make sure they know you care for their health. 


Find the two mistakes in this sentence -

'I drived to class yesterday but tomorrow I will walking'. 

I DROVE to class yesterday but tomorrow I will WALK. 

The past tense of 'drive' is 'drove'. 

We use 'walk' instead of 'walking' because it will happen in the future. 


There's two mistakes in this sentence. Please say the sentence without the mistakes. 

"Two of my tooth are hurting, so I will seeing a dentist on Friday"

Two of my TEETH are hurting, so I will SEE a dentist on Friday. 

There are two, so we use the plural of tooth, which is teeth. 

We use SEE instead of SEEING because we're talking about something that will happen in the future. 


What are three synonyms for happy? 

(A synonym is a word that means the same thing. For example, "sad" is a synonym for "upset".

For example - Joyful, cheerful, pleased, glad, delighted, gleeful, elated 


What are three animals that are native to Australia? 

For example - kangaroo, platypus, bilby, emu


Which of these is a reason you might miss class? 

1) you feel under the weather 

2) you found a bargain at the supermarket

3) you're on the ball today

1) you feel under the weather

'Under the weather' means you feel a bit sick. 


Which of these is NOT something you would say to someone when they are using the computer? 

1) Can you please log into the computer?

2) Did you plug in Facebook? 

3) Have you set up your email?

2) Did you plug in Facebook? 

'plug in' means putting an electronic cord into the wall (like when we plug in our phones because they have low battery). We can't plug in Facebook because it's not a physical object. We can only plug in computers, phones and other things we can hold.


There are three mistakes in this sentence. Please say the sentence without the mistakes 

'Their daughter went to an university in the New South Wales and they will visit her on December'. 

Their daughter went to A university in New South Wales and they will visit her IN December. 


What do these words have in common? 

(What is similar about these words?)

- bay

- inlet

- peninsula 

These words are all names for different ways the ocean can meet the land. They are all types of shoreline (coast). 

For example, The Mornington Peninsula - a peninsula is a bit of land that sticks out into the ocean. 


What kind of money did Australia use before 1966?

(Now we use dollars and cents, what currency did we have before?

Pound (shillings and pence)


Your friend tells you about a problem they are having - which of these is NOT an expression that might help them feel better?  

1) Keep your chin up 

2) It will be right as rain 

3) You're on a wild goose chase  

4) You can turn over a new leaf 

3) You're on a wild goose chase 

If someone is on a wild goose chase, they are doing something silly that won't help! Like chasing geese. 


What is the present tense of these three verbs? 

- known (I have known her for a long time) 

- said (I said hello to my friend)

- rode (she rode a bike to work)

- knew 

- say 

- ride 


Which of these sentences has a different meaning than the others? Three sentences have the same meaning, one has the opposite meaning. 

1) I'm late because I had to go to the doctor. 

2) I had to go to the doctor, so I'm late.

3) I had to go the the doctor, however I'm late.

4) The reason I'm late is that I had to go to the doctor.

3) I had to go the the doctor, however I'm late.

'however' means the same as 'but'. For example,

 'I like rain, BUT I don't like storms'. 

 'I like rain, HOWEVER I don't like storms'.


Read this sentence and tell me what the word in italics means. 

She is very enthusiastic about cooking. She always finds new recipes online, she makes something delicious every day, and she talks about cooking all the time

Enthusiastic means very excited or interested. If I am enthusiastic about cooking, I love cooking!


How long is the Great Barrier Reef?

A) 10km

B) 300km

C) 2300km

D) 8500km

C) 2300kms
