World War
Other Fronts

This German plan to quickly defeat France before turning east to Russia ultimately failed, leading to a stalemate on the Western Front.

What is the Schlieffen Plan?


Indian and South African troops fought here, contributing to Allied efforts against Germany's colonies.

What is Africa (South-West Africa & East Africa)?


This huge naval battle in 1916 saw the British Royal Navy and the German High Seas Fleet clash, with no clear victor.

What is the Battle of Jutland?


This country's entry into the war in 1917 tipped the balance in favor of the Allies.

What is the United States?


This British-led offensive in 1916 aimed to relieve pressure on the French at Verdun but resulted in heavy losses for both sides.

What is the Battle of the Somme?


This included machine guns, barbed wire, poison gas, tanks, air warfare, artillery developments, trench mortars, and contributed to the high death toll but failed to break the stalemate.

What are new methods and technology of warfare?


Led by Lawrence of Arabia, this uprising weakened the Ottoman Empire’s hold on the Middle East.

What is the Arab Revolt?


This ill-fated campaign aimed to knock the Ottoman Empire out of the war but ended in a costly Allied failure.

What is the Gallipoli Campaign?


This major 1918 German military offensive aimed to break the stalemate but ultimately failed due to a lack of resources.

What is the Spring Offensive (Kaiserschlacht)?


In this 1917 battle, Canadian forces played a crucial role in capturing strategic positions despite the muddy and horrific conditions, leading to a hard-fought Allied victory.

What is the Battle of Passchendaele?


This 1916 battle, where the French defended a key fortress city, was one of the longest and bloodiest of the war.

What is the Battle of Verdun?


This country's forces helped capture Tsingtao, a German-controlled city in China, and contributed to Allied control of sea lanes.

What is Japan?


On this front, the Russians had initial success but were then pushed back, leading to massive casualties and eventually... revolution.

What is the Eastern Front?


After the failure of the Spring Offensive, this was the Allied counteroffensive that pushed the Germans back in late 1918.

What is the Hundred Days Offensive?



What were troops from Australia and New Zealand known as?


This British-led offensive in 1916 aimed to relieve pressure on the French at Verdun but resulted in heavy losses for both sides.

What is the Battle of the Somme?


This Canadian general commanded forces during key battles such as Vimy Ridge, contributing to the Allied victory.

Who is Arthur Currie?


This Allied tactic, introduced to protect shipping from submarines, proved essential in maintaining supply lines.

What is the convoy system?


A mutiny by sailors in this German port city in 1918 triggered a wider revolution that led to the abdication of the Kaiser.

What is Kiel?


1.3 million men from this country served the British on the allied side. They were deployed across several theaters and played crucial roles on the Western Front, East Africa, the Middle East, and Gallipoli.

What is India?


Following this battle in October-November 1914, both sides dug in for what would become years of trench warfare.

What is the First Battle of Ypres?


This military strategy, employed by the Germans, targeted all commercial and Allied shipping with submersible naval craft.

What is unrestricted submarine warfare


Severe hardships due to food shortages; rationing; inflation. Bombed, shelled, and occupied areas leading to displacement and destruction. Harsh military rule, forced labor, requisitioning of supplies.

Also mass mobilization, conscription, changing role of women society (paid work). Rise in propaganda and censorship.

Psychological trauma related to war which had long-lasting effects on society.

Furthermore, diseases like the 1918 influenza pandemic, exacerbated by the war's conditions, devastated civilian populations globally.

What is the impact of the war on civilian populations?


This document, signed on November 11, 1918, officially ended the fighting on the Western Front.

What is the Armistice?


A story describing the horrors of trench warfare from the perspective of a young German soldier, written by Erich Maria Remarque.

What is All Quiet on the Western Front?
