Subject-Verb Agreement
Inferencing Unknown Words
Comprehension & "Wh" Questions
Predicting Outcomes with Clues
Irregular Past Tense Verbs

What is the correct verb: "The cat (run/runs) up the tree."



What does the word "glistening" mean based on the sentence: "The glistening water sparkled in the sun"?

Shining or reflecting light.


Emily loved visiting her grandmother's house every summer. The old house was filled with stories and treasures. One day, she discovered a hidden room in the attic. Inside, there were dusty books and mysterious trinkets. She felt a rush of excitement as she explored this new place.
Question: Who is the main character in the story?



As the storm clouds gathered, Max hurried home from school. He remembered his mother’s warning about severe weather. The wind began to pick up, and he saw leaves swirling in the air. In the distance, he heard thunder rumbling ominously. Max quickened his pace, hoping to reach home before the rain started.
Question: What might happen next if Max doesn’t make it home in time?

He might get caught in the storm and get wet.


What is the past tense of "go"?



Choose the right form: "The dogs (bark/barks) loudly."



If "melancholy" describes a feeling, what can we infer about the character who feels this way?

The character is likely sad or reflective.


In the bustling town of Willow Creek, the annual fair was about to start. Everyone was busy setting up colorful tents and decorations. Children were running around, eager for the rides. The smell of popcorn filled the air, making mouths water. People were chatting and laughing, creating a lively atmosphere.
Question: What happened at the fair?

The annual fair started with everyone setting up and enjoying the festivities.


The detective was examining the scene of the crime. There were footprints leading away from the broken window. A shattered vase lay on the ground, and the room was in disarray. He noticed a piece of fabric caught on the jagged glass. The detective felt he was close to solving the mystery.
Question: What can you predict will happen next based on the clues?

The detective will follow the footprints to find the suspect.


Form a sentence using the past tense of "swim."

I swam in the pool yesterday.


Identify the subject and correct verb: "The group of students (was/were) excited."



In the phrase "the bustling market," what can you infer about the market's atmosphere?

It is lively and busy.


Last Saturday, Jake and his friends decided to go hiking. They packed their backpacks with snacks and water. The weather was perfect, sunny but not too hot. As they reached the top of the hill, they were rewarded with a stunning view of the valley below. They felt accomplished and happy to spend time outdoors.
Question: Where did Jake and his friends go?

They went hiking.


After a long day of work, Sarah received a promotion. She felt a mix of joy and anxiety about the new responsibilities. As she prepared for her first meeting, she reviewed her notes and practiced her presentation. Her heart raced with both excitement and fear. She wondered how her colleagues would react to the changes.
Question: What clue supports your prediction about Sarah’s feelings in the meeting?

Her mix of joy and anxiety indicates she is nervous yet excited.


Describe what you did yesterday using the verb "see."

I saw a movie with my friends.


Fill in the blank: "Neither the boy nor the girl (play/plays) soccer."



Based on the context, what might "dilapidated" refer to? "The dilapidated building looked abandoned."

The building is in disrepair or falling apart.


At the end of the story, the brave knight faced the dragon. He remembered the wise words of his mentor about courage and strategy. With determination, he approached the creature. The townspeople watched in suspense, holding their breath. Would the knight save the day, or would he fall to the dragon?
Question: When did the knight face the dragon?  

At the end of the story.


In the enchanted forest, the young prince stumbled upon a hidden path. He recalled stories of a magical spring that granted wishes. As he followed the path, he noticed glowing flowers and heard the sound of water. His heart raced as he imagined what he might wish for. Would he be brave enough to use the spring?
Question: Based on the passage, what future event seems likely for the prince?

He is likely to find the spring and consider making a wish.


Share a story about a time you "break" something using the past tense.

I broke my favorite toy when I dropped it.


Explain why: "All the furniture (is/are) on sale."

is (because "furniture" is a collective noun).


After reading about a "parched" landscape, what can you infer about the weather conditions there?

The area is dry and likely hasn't had rain for a while.


The little girl found a mysterious key while playing in the garden. She wondered what it could unlock and felt a tingle of curiosity. Later that evening, she heard a strange noise coming from the shed. Gathering her courage, she decided to investigate. What if the key opened something magical?
Question: Why did the girl decide to investigate the noise?

She was curious about what the key could unlock.


During the science experiment, the students mixed two liquids together. They watched as a colorful reaction occurred, bubbling and fizzing. The teacher explained how this reaction demonstrated a chemical change. The students were amazed and filled with questions. They wondered what would happen if they tried different combinations.
Question: What can you predict will happen next based on the students' curiosity?

 They will likely experiment with more combinations to see different reactions.


Create a complex sentence using "sing" in the past tense.

I sang my favorite song at the school talent show last week.
