What is asking students to recall previously learnt information called?
What is an online game you can play with in class?
QR Code
What is the image called that can be scanned to take you to a site etc?
What is it called when you ask something that requires an answer?
Let's Teach
What is the programme for new staff called at Doncaster College?
Who is the learning theorist that we base Let's Teach sessions on?
What is the template called that you plan learning for the year on?
What is the name of the system that you mark registers on called?
What is the add in called in PPT where students can add responses to a class board?
What do you want when you ask students a question?
Who are the organisation responsible for carrying out school inspections?
Cops and Robbers
What is the name of the template where you can write your own ideas and then 'steal' from others?
What is the office product called that you can make presentations on?
What is the website called where you can make matching puzzles?
Heads up
What is the name of the game where people give clues for you to guess a word?
Exit ticket
What is it called when you ask students to answer a question etc before they leave the room?
Stand up, sit down
What is the name of the game where you have to decide if a statement is true or false?
Mini Whiteboards
What resource could you use to allow all students to answer a question?
Think, Pair, Share
What is it called when you give students time to think, then talk to a partner and then share with others.
What is it called when you ask computers etc to generate answers or ideas for you?
What is the website called where you can stream videos?
What is the platform called that can be used to create classes, speak to colleagues and students etc?
Pink Postcard
What can you use to observe peers in their classrooms?
Scrabble tiles
What can be used as an activity where students remember vocabulary?
What game can you play where students match terms and answers?