Write this number in expanded form:
600,000 + 50,000 + 7,000 + 200 + 3
Write this number in word form:
five hundred forty six thousand one hundred twenty three
Compare these numbers using < , > or =
345,182 and 354,182
345,182 < 354,182
Order these numbers from least to greatest
345,231 543,765 34,213 782,134
34,213 345,231 543,765 782,134
Round this number to the nearest hundred
Write this number in standard form:
600,000 + 70,000 + 8,000 + 500 + 20 + 3
Write this number in word form:
fifty six thousand twenty one
Compare these numbers using < , > or =
347,178 and 347,923
347,178 < 347,923
Order these numbers from least to greatest
34,512 34,857 34,234 35,234
34,234 34,512 34,857 35,234
Round this number to the nearest ten thousand:
Find the missing number:
875,234 = 800,000 + 70,000 + ____________ + 200 + 30 + 4
Fix this person's mistake:
four hundred fifty six thousand and one hundred and twenty three
four hundred fifty six thousand one hundred twenty three
Compare these numbers using < , > or =
1,234,745 and 1,235,756
1,234,745 < 1,235,756
Order these numbers from greatest to least
57,234 578,234 547,234 57,123
578,234 547,234 57,234 57,123
Which of these numbers rounds to 670,000 when rounded to the nearest ten thousand?
657,234 675,243 668,234 546,234
Write this number in standard form:
40,000 + 200 + 200,000 + 50 + 3
Write this number in standard form:
seven hundred sixty three thousand forty six
Compare these numbers using < , > or =
324,123 and 435,123
324,123 < 435,123
Order these numbers from greatest to least:
565,234 565,432 556,432 565,342
565,432 565,342 565,234 556,432
Round this number to the nearest thousand:
Rachael got her paycheck this week and they wrote it in expanded form. It said:
800,000 + 70,000 + 400 + 50 + 6
How much did she get paid?
Capri has four hundred sixty two thousand sixty five dollars in her bank account. How much money does she have? Write the number in standard form.
Alexis and Megan are going on a road trip. Alexis plans to drive 31,243 miles. Megan plans to drive 31,432 miles. Who is driving the greater number of miles?
Rachael has 2,675 pretzels. Amy has 45,234 pretzels. Capri has 34,232 pretzels. Alexis has 45,264 pretzels. Megan has 35,213 pretzels. Order the friends from least to greatest based on how many pretzels they have.
Rachael, Capri, Megan, Amy, Alexis
Rachael has about 2,000 Pokemon cards. What is the greatest possible number of Pokemon cards Rachael has that would round to 2,000?