The Tax Acts
The Battles
Key People
Key Events
Key Dates

What was the colonial response to the Stamp Act?

What is boycott


Which battle is the one where George Washington surrounded the Redcoats to get Boston back?

What is The Battle of Dorchester Heights


Who was the leader of the Continental Army?

Who is George Washington


What was the event where five colonists got killed by British soldiers?

What is the Boston Massacre


When did the Boston Tea Party occur?

What is December 16, 1773


What Act imposed taxes on paper, glass, lead, paint, and tea?

What is The Townshend Act


What was the outcome of the Battle of Bunker Hill?

What is the colonists had an advantage due to vantage point (on a hill) but the colonists still lost due to lack of ammunition


Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?

Who is Thomas Jefferson


What was the goal for the Battle of Lexington and Concord? (British goal)

What is to seize the weapons hidden in Lexington and Concord


When was the Declaration of Independence signed?

What is July 4, 1776


Which Act required colonists to provide housing for British soldiers?

What is The Quartering Act


What Battle is known as the turning point for the American Revolution?

What is the Battle of Saratoga

Who were the British Generals (3) who fought against the colonists during the war?

Who were (1) General Thomas Gage, (2) General William Howe, (3) General Cornwallis


What were the conditions of a soldier at Valley Forge?

What is the soldiers were freezing, dying from disease, had little to no clothing or shelter


What year was the Treaty of Paris signed to give colonists independence from Great Britain?

What is 1783


Name all the taxation Acts (4) in order

What is: The Sugar Act, The Stamp Act, The Townshend Act, The Tea Act


At what battle did General Cornwallis surrender, effectively ending the war?

What is the Battle of Yorktown


Who were the two African Americans that gave and risked their lives for the American Revolution?

Who are Crispus Attucks and James Armistead


What were the goals for the First Continental Congress?

What is (1) To continue to boycott, (2) To create the minutemen, (3) To create the Declaration of Rights, and (4) Agreeing to meet again in a year if the King doesn't respond 


When did General Cornwallis surrender in the Battle of Yorktown?

What is October 19, 1781


What were the 6 Intolerable Acts and what were the Intolerable Acts in response to?

What is: (1) The Boston Harbor is closed, (2) MA is no longer a charter, (3) Royal Officials will receive friendlier punishments, (4) The Quartering Act, (5) The Quebec Act, (6) Thomas Gage is the new governor of MA. The Intolerable Acts are in response to the Boston Tea Party.


Name all the Battles (6; discussed in class) in order

What is: The Battle of Lexington & Concord, The Battle of Bunker Hill, The Battle of Dorchester Heights, The Battle of Trenton, The Battle of Saratoga, The Battle of Yorktown


Name three strategic decisions that George Washington made that made him one of the most savvy generals of the American Revolutionary War?

What are (1) When GW surrounded the Redcoats in the middle of the night to gain back Boston, (2) When GW had his troops surround the campfire and surprise attacked the Redcoats, (3) When GW had his troops row through the freezing Delaware River to surprise attack the Redcoats on Christmas morning, (4) When GW cut down trees and creating barriers and blocked escape routes for the Redcoats at the Battle of Yorktown


What were the three main points of the Declaration of Independence?

What is (1) All men have inalienable rights (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness), (2) No taxation without representation, and (3) King George III had broken the social contract

The Battle of Saratoga was known as the turning point in the American Revolutionary War. When did the Continental Army take control of General Burgoyne's army?

What is October 17, 1777
