This is used to initialize the attributes in a newly created object.
By default, a turtle moves forward this distance.
100 pixels
Java is what kind of programming language?
The value that is passed into a constructor
According to Clara Scott, what does Ava sound like sometimes?
When more than one constructor is defined in a class.
By default, where is the turtle placed in a world?
This is an instance of an class.
(circumference, diameter) are examples of this kind of parameter.
Formal parameters
What is the difference between print and println?
Print continues on the same line. Println provides a cursor return after it prints.
When you set a constructor to the default values.
No-argument constructor
Be default, the turtle turns in what direction and by how many degrees?
Clockwise by 90 degrees
These define what an object can do.
Circle circle1 = new Circle(100, 10) is an example of what kind of parameter?
Actual parameter
What is Ms. Huddleston's favorite type of cheddar?
7-year aged extra sharp
A constructor signature provides what information?
When you use a class that someone has already written for you in a library that you can import, you can look up how to use the constructors and methods in the documentation for that class. The documentation will list the signatures (or headers) of the constructors or methods which will tell you their name and parameter list.
To turn left 45 degrees, what method would you use?
These are two words that define what an object knows about itself.
Attribute and Instance Variable
When copies of an actual parameter values are passed to the constructor.
Call By Value
What happens if you initialize an int to a double?
You will get a compilation error.
Construct a new world that is 200 x 250 pixels and named room6.
World room6 = new World(200,250);
Set a turtle named myrtle to the color red and move her forward 100 pixels
Create a new Turtle object named gyrtle and assign her to the world named clothing
Turtle gyrtle = new Turtle(clothing);
Write a code segment for a new Birthday constructor named bday using actual parameters of your birthday in the month, day, year format.
Birthday bday = new Birthday(9,20,1972);
Draw a bark.
Open to interpretation