This physician developed the Montessori method.
Who is Dr. Maria Montessori?
in the Montessori classroom, learning initially occurs through the use of this which can provide concrete representations of an abstract concept.
What are materials?
The Montessori classroom also referred as.
what is the prepared environment?
the type of learning tool/approach used in the Montessori environment that are designed to provide children with opportunities to discover key learning outcomes through repetition and practice
what is Hands-on learning approach
The city Montessori opened her first school on January 6 1907.
What is Rome?
Montessori believed children progress through these four distinct stages of development
what are the planes of development?
Characteristics of A Montessori classroom
what are the characteristics neutral, open-planned, sense of order, beauty and harmony?
The way Montessori materials are presented to the child. In accordance with their developmental needs and interests.
What is a sequence, from easiest to hardest. (aka progression order)
The name of the first school Montessori opened in 1907
What is Casa dei Bamnini "childrens house"?
A prioritized individualized instruction, allowing children to learn at their own pace
What is Uninterrupted work period?
The educator style in a Montessori environment
When will you see the educators standing back, observing students and only stepping in to assist when needed?
This term allows children to see their own mistakes and discover learning outcomes independently through repetition and practice.
what is "control of error"?
She established this global organization in 1929 with her son to ensure that her philosophy and approach to education would be carried on as she intended.
What is the Association Montessori Internationale?
These are the ages Montessori believed childrens minds are most receptive.
What are the ages 0-12?
The five key areas of learning in the Montessori classroom
what is Practical life, sensory, mathematics, language, and culture?
Montessori materials encourage this movement to encourage independence, concentration, and prepare children for real life
What is Fine motor Skills