How do people, goods, and ideas move from one location to another?
A flat, 2D drawing of part of the Earth. It is easy to carry around, zoom in or out to see large or small areas.
At how many degrees is The Equator located
0 degrees
A type of map that shows the natural features of the Earth. These features include mountains, rivers, lakes, valleys, and deserts.
Physical map
How do people relate to the physical world around them?
Human-Environment Interaction
A 3D model of Earth, showing the true shape.
At how many degrees is the Prime Meridian locate
0 degrees
Shows the boundaries and divisions created by humans, such as countries, states, cities, and other governmental areas.
Political map
How are places similar or different?
Machines that orbit around Earth in space. They work by using sensors and cameras to gather information as they orbit the Earth.
At how many degrees is the Tropic of Capricorn located
23.5 degrees South
Shows the different ____ zones of an area, giving information about the weather patterns over a long period of time.
Climate map
Where is it?
A powerful computer tool that combines different types of information about Earth.
At how many degrees is The Arctic Circle located
66.5 degrees North
Show information about the natural environment of a specific area, highlighting features like vegetation, wildlife habitats, soil types, water quality, and pollution levels.
Environmental map
What is it like?
A tool that helps people find their exact location on Earth. Originally made for the military, now used by everyone.
At how many degrees is the South Pole located
90 degrees South
Name the map displayed on the wall.
Political map