Health + Nutrition
Health Misinformation
Healthy Skin
Healthy Behaviors
Healthcare Careers

Is it okay to eat chicken that is pink inside?

That chicken is undercooked and may be contaminated with bacteria, so you will get sick.



Is everything you read and see online true?

Not everything you read online is true. It is important to confirm any health-related information you learn online with multiple trusted sources


What is your body's largest organ? 

Skin is the largest organ: Skin is the body's largest organ, covering and protecting the body from germs and infections.


What is one thing you can do to increase your chances of living a healthy life?

- Proper Nutrition
- Get Moving (exercise)
- Focus your mental health 


True or False: Employment Opportunities in healthcare occupations are growing faster than the average for all occupations. In other words, there are many job opening in healthcare. 

True: About 1.9 million openings are projected each year, on average, in these occupations due to employment growth and the need to replace workers who leave the occupations permanently. 


What beneficial vitamin would you find in milk, and other dairy products? 

Vitamin D is a nutrient your body needs for building and maintaining healthy bones.


What is the definition of misinformation?
And for 100 bonus points, what is disinformation? 

Misinformation is information that is false, inaccurate, or misleading according to the best available evidence at the time.
Disinformation is purposively spreading knowingly false information

What's an easy way to help keep the skin on your face clean and looking good?

When it comes to skin care for teens, cleansing is very important. It's important for teens to wash their face twice a day, to remove dirt, oil, and makeup that can clog pores and cause breakouts.

To ensure proper skin care, it's also important to remember, overwashing can actually make acne worse. Too much washing can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation.


How can smoking cigarettes and vaping affect your health? 

Negatively affects your health in many ways! 

Smoking and vaping is directly responsible for approximately 90% of lung cancer deaths and 80% of deaths caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD


Which occupation provides patient care for oral health, take x rays, keep records, and schedule appointments.

Dental Assistants. This job pays $50,000 + and does not require a college degree!


If you want to know how much sugar has been added to a food product, where would you look to find that information?

The box or packaging will have a Nutrition Facts Label. Then look at "added sugar".


Name at least one trusted source of health information

Government sources like the CDC, NIH, FDA, or Oregon Health Authority.

Health professionals, like doctors

Your teachers

(sometimes) social media, if it's from a trusted source

Name a food that is good for supporting healthy skin.
  • Salmon and tuna for omega-3s.
  • Beans and lentils for meatless, low-fat sources of protein.
  • Tomatoes, watermelon, grapefruit, asparagus and red cabbage for lycopene.
  • Whole grains, such as oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice and whole wheat pasta, for B vitamins

Is it true humans can die sooner from lack of sleep than from lack food?

Humans can die sooner from lack of sleep than lack of food

However, starving yourself for seven days would only result in fatique and raging hunger, but you'd still be alive. This stresses the importance that an adequate amount of sleep has on your health.


Which occupation evaluates and treats patients' neuromusculoskeletal system, which includes nerves, bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. (Hint: they may make "adjustments")



Name one or two reasons why it is important to eat breakfast especially if you have a test at school that day.

The nutrients from a healthy breakfast will give you energy so you won’t be tired or get a headache. It will help your brain so you can concentrate and stay focused.


Can you think of an example of health misinformation you’ve seen recently? Where did you see or hear it? Who shared it with you?

Sharing in's 400 points!


What does your skin do? Name one thing...

Skin protects from the sun: Melanin, a molecule produced by skin, absorbs harmful rays from the sun and protects the skin. 

Skin helps regulate body temperature: Sweat glands and blood vessels in the skin help control body temperature. 

Skin helps make vitamin D: Skin cells convert sunlight into vitamin D, which helps keep bones strong.

Skin plays other roles, too. It contains nerve endings that let you feel when an object is too hot or sharp, so you can quickly pull away. Sweat glands and tiny blood vessels in your skin help to control your body temperature. And cells in your skin turn sunlight into vitamin D, which is important for healthy bones.

Skin can also alert you to a health problem.


What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of gently focusing your awareness on the present moment over and over again.

It often involves focusing on sensations to root yourself in your body in the here and now. It can be practiced during formal meditation and breathing exercises or during everyday activities, like cooking, cleaning, or walking.

It is good for your mental health to practice mindfulness. 


Which Health Related Career

  • Provides support, resources, and advocacy to help people overcome personal and societal obstacles.
  • Addresses issues related to mental health, poverty, family dynamics, healthcare access, and substance abuse.
  • Helps individuals, families, organizations, and communities meet their needs and improve their overall quality of life.
  • Promotes social change and empower clients.
  • Work with individuals, families, and groups to solve problems and respond in crises.

Social Workers


What does "non-GMO" on a food package mean?

GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. Non-GMO means that the food is made without ingredients that were genetically engineered in a laboratory.


Did/ Does the COVID -19 vaccine work?

While COVID-19 vaccines have become less effective in preventing symptomatic infection because of new variations of the virus, it remains highly effective in preventing severe disease and death. This shift has been misrepresented by anti-vaccine influencers who falsely claim that it means the vaccines don’t work and have been ineffective all along.

The vaccine has saved many of lives in the US!  


What is a more scientific name for skin cancer?


Skin cancer occurs when errors (mutations) occur in the DNA of skin cells. The mutations cause the cells to grow out of control and form a mass of cancer cells.

Protecting your skin from the sun is important for EVERYONE in preventing skin cancer.


How much sleep do you need each night (teenagers specifically)?

Teens should aim for 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. Sometimes it’s hard to get enough sleep, especially if you have a job, help take care of younger brothers or sisters, have limited space and share a bedroom with others, or are busy with other activities after school. Developing healthy sleeping habits NIH external link can help. If you can, try to

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
  • Spend time outside every day.
  • Avoid heavy meals within a few hours of bedtime.
  • Avoid watching TV or using your computer or smartphone 1 hour before bedtime.

Where does the healthcare industry/ sector rank in number of employees in US?

Compared to Business, Hospitality, Government, Construction, etc.

Tied for first with Professional and Business Services with about 23,000,000 workers as of September 2024
