Application 1
Application 2
Campus Life
General PSU
How to Prepare for College

Where can students apply to Penn State?

¿Dónde pueden los estudiantes aplicar para Penn State?  

MyPennState or Common App


What is the form Penn State uses to review an applicant’s high school coursework and grades?  

¿Cuál es el formulario que utiliza Penn State para revisar los cursos y las calificaciones de la escuela secundaria de una aplicacion?

Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) 


In what town is Penn State located? 

¿En qué ciudad se encuentra Penn State?

State College or University Park 


What is Penn State's official Mascot? 

¿Cuál es la mascota oficial de Penn State?

The Nittany Lion! 


Who makes up a student's college team? These are the people that are going to support you through the college process. 

¿Quién forma el equipo universitario de un estudiante? Estas son las personas que te apoyarán durante el proceso universitario

Parents, extended family members, teachers, counselors, mentors, coach

*Need 2 for points


When is the application deadline for first year students?

¿Cuándo es la fecha límite de solicitud para estudiantes de primer año? 

November 1 (Early Action) 

December 1

Rolling Admissions

*Need 1 for points 


How many campuses does Penn State have?

¿Cuántas ubicaciones tiene Penn State?



How do students get involved outside of the classroom at Penn State?

¿Cómo se involucran los estudiantes fuera de clases en Penn State?

Students can get involved in clubs and organizations, jobs, and by studying abroad. 

*Need 1 for points 


What is Penn State's chant? 



In what year of high school can students apply to college?

¿En qué año de secundaria pueden aplicar los estudiantes a la universidad?


12th grade


What application materials are required as part of the application process. 

¿Qué materiales de solicitud se requieren como parte del proceso de solicitud?

Application, Self Reported Academic Record (SRAR), Test Scores-if applicable


Do all campuses have the same GPA requirement?

¿Todos los campus tienen el mismo requisito de GPA?

No, University Park is the most competitive due to the amount of applications that are received. 

High School GPA (unweighted 4.0 scale )3.65-3.94 (UP) 3.15-3.81 (Campuses)


What kind of jobs do students have?

¿Qué tipo de trabajos tienen los estudiantes?

On campus job (dining commons, gym facilities)

Off Campus at stores or restaurants 

PSU departments (admissions, academic colleges, etc.)

*Need 1 for points


What were Penn State's original colors?

¿Cuáles eran los colores originales de Penn State?

Pink and Black 


Students focus on these things in high school to help them go to college.

Los estudiantes se concentran en estas cosas en la escuela secundaria para ayudarlos a ir a la universidad.

Students focus on their classes and grades, saving money, getting a job, getting involved in school activities, thinking about their interests outside of school, etc.  

*Need 2 for points


Which office at Penn State can provide information on scholarships and financial aid? 

¿Qué oficina de Penn State puede brindar información sobre becas y ayuda financiera?

The Office of Student Aid, Undergraduate Admissions, Academic Colleges 

*Need 1 for points


Penn State has 20 Campuses. Students can choose a first choice campus on their application and an alternate choice campus. Students can also choose to attend a smaller campus two years and then transition to University Park the remaining two years. What is this called?

Penn State tiene 20 campus. Los estudiantes pueden elegir un campus de primera opción en su solicitud y un campus de opción alternativa. Los estudiantes también pueden optar por asistir a un campus más pequeño durante dos años y luego hacer la transición a University Park los dos años restantes. ¿Cómo se llama esto?


2+2 Plan 


What are the names of the residence hall areas where students can live on campus?

¿Cuáles son los nombres de las áreas de residencias donde los estudiantes pueden vivir en el campus?

Residence Halls-East, West, South, North or Pollock

*Need 2 for points 


What form of transportation do students use to get to classes and around campus?

¿Qué medio de transporte usan los estudiantes para llegar a clases y desplazarme por el campus?  

Walk, bike, scooter, bus system 

*Need 2 for points


What do you call an event where college representatives meet with students and their families to discuss educational options and programs?

¿Cómo se llama un evento donde representantes universitarios se reúnen con estudiantes y sus familias para discutir opciones y programas de su universidad?

College Fair


What type of academic credit does Penn Stat accept?

¿Qué tipo de crédito académico acepta Penn State? 

Penn State accepts AP, IB, Dual Enrollment, and College credit.

*Need 1 for points 


In high school, students must take these course subjects to be eligible for review. 

En la escuela secundaria, los estudiantes deben tomar estas materias para ser elegibles para la aplicacion. 

(4) English 

(3) Social Studies, Humanities, or Arts

(3) Science 

(3) Math-Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry 

(2) World Language

*Need the English, Science, Math, Social Studies for points


What office do students go to if they want to study abroad?

¿A qué oficina acuden los estudiantes si quieren estudiar en el extranjero?

The Office of Education Abroad or your academic advisor

*Need 1 for points


What does Penn State provide to keep students safe?

¿Qué ofrece Penn State para mantener seguros a los estudiantes?

There are blue light boxes that students can ring if they ever feel unsafe or need someone to escort them to their dorm. Campus Police is also always around.


Name two factors or characteristics to consider about a college when deciding where to apply?

Nombre dos factores o características a considerar acerca de una universidad al decidir dónde aplicar?

Location, size, cost, academic programs, clubs and organizations

*Need 2 for points
