A student has a math assignment due in two days but feels overwhelmed by the number of problems

Answers may vary.

The student could break the assignment into smaller chunks by working on 5 problems today and 5 tomorrow, or they could start with the easiest problems to build confidence.


You have a test in a week, and every time you try to study, you feel unmotivated because it seems like there's too much to cover.

Answers may vary. Break the study material into sections and schedule short, focused study sessions (e.g., 30 minutes) with specific goals (e.g., study one chapter or review 10 flashcards)


Your room is messy, and every time you think about cleaning it, you get overwhelmed and decide to do it "later."

Answers may vary.

Start by cleaning just one small area (e.g., the desk or a single drawer) for 10 minutes. Once you start, it becomes easier to keep going.


You’ve been meaning to learn how to play the guitar, but every time you think about starting, you get discouraged by how much there is to learn

Answers may vary. Commit to learning one simple chord today or watching a 5-minute instructional video. Starting small reduces the pressure and helps build momentum.


A student needs to write a 1,000-word essay, but they’re stuck on how to begin. They keep staring at a blank page.

Answers may vary. Begin with an outline of the main points or write just the introduction. Setting a timer for 10 minutes to brainstorm ideas can also help get things moving.


You have a presentation for class, but you're procrastinating because public speaking makes you anxious.

Answers may vary. Write a brief outline of your key points, then practice speaking aloud for just 5 minutes. Starting with the basics can ease anxiety and build confidence.


Your group has a big project due next week, but no one seems to be taking the first step. Everyone is waiting for someone else to start.

Answers may vary. Take initiative by dividing tasks among group members and suggesting a quick meeting to set goals. You could even start with a small task, like creating a group chat or writing the project’s title slide.


You keep telling yourself you’ll go to the gym, but the thought of getting dressed, driving there, and working out feels exhausting

Answers may vary. Set a small goal like putting on your workout clothes and stretching at home. Often, just getting dressed makes you more likely to follow through and head to the gym.
