Directional term- towards the back.
What is dorsal?
Directional term- towards the abdomen
What is ventral?
Directional term- from the caudal to the cranial surface of a structure
What is caudocranial (CdCr)?
Directional term- dorsal to the plantar surface of the hindlimb
What is Dorsalplantar (DPi)?
Directional term- from the plantar surface of the hindlimb toward the dorsal surface of the body.
What is plantarodorsal (PlD)?
Directional term-is used for head toward the nares
What is rostral?
Directional term- the palm or bottom of the front limb
What is palmar?
Directional term- from the dorsal to the palmar surface of the forelimb
What is dorsopalmar (DPa)?
Directional term - ventral surface (thoracic or abdominal) to the dorsal (spinal) surface of the body.
What is Ventrodorsal (VD)?
Right lateral recumbency (preferred)
Extend forelimbs cranially as far as possible and hindlimbs caudal
Cranial border: thoracic inlet
Caudal border: 1st lumbar vertebrae
Dorsal border: Spinous processes of the vertebrae
Ventral border: Xiphoid process of sternum
What is the lateral thorax?
Used to measure an area of body to be radiographed
What is a caliper?
Marker used to indicate gravitational direction
What is a Mitchell marker?
Position used for the presence of air or fluid within the thorax is suspected or when the animal would be compromised using standard VD position.
What is VD thorax with horizontal beam (lateral decubitus)?
This holds the x-ray cassette under the table top.
What is the bucky tray?
Used when to evaluate the entire length of the urinary tract is needed and when the hind limbs would obscure the urethra if the patient was in lateral position.
What is modified lateral abdominal view?
right or left lateral recumbency
Cranial: slightly cranial to the cranial edge of ilium
Caudal: caudal border of ischium
Dorsal: include 1/3 of femurs
Ventral: spinous processes of vertebra
What is the lateral pelvis positioning?
Hindlimbs extended evenly into full extension and parallel to each other (digits even and parallel to the table)
Stifles rotated medially so that they are parallel to each other and the x-ray table
What is VD extended pelvis positioning?
Dorsal recumbency with thorax in a V-trough to minimize rotation of the body can be helpful
Forelimbs extended cranially
Hindlimbs in natural flexed position (for most patients, the femurs will assume an angle of 45 degrees to the spine. In larger dogs, the angle is often 90 degree
What is VD frog leg pelvis?
Centering -Caudal aspect of the last rib, umbilicus
Lateral borders: abdominal wall within V-trough
Cranial border; halfway between the caudal border of the scapula and the xiphoid
(includes diaphragm and apex of heart)
Caudal border: coxofemoral joints
Controls the quantity of electrons produced and released, and density of the image. (too light or too dark)
What is miliamperage (mA)?
Use natural standing position
Cranial border: thoracic inlet
Caudal border: first lumbar vertebrae
Dorsal border: spinous processes of the vertebrae
Ventral border: xiphoid process of sternum
Entire rib cage within collimated area
What is standing lateral projection with horizontal beams (standing lateral thorax)?
used to control the quality of the x-ray beam, increasing can result in greater penetrating power which will pass through the tissue.
What is Kilovoltage (kVp)
Type of radiation effects which can manifest as cancer, cataracts, aplastic anemia.
What is somatic damage?
Manages the dosimetry badges, reports levels, and ensure machine calibration and PPE maintenance.
What is RSO?