Conversation Skills
Idioms and Expressions
Culture and Current Events

Which is correct: "She suggested that he goes" or "She suggested that he go"?

"She suggested that he go."


What does "ubiquitous" mean?

Present, appearing, or found everywhere.


Express three ways to make a suggestion in English.

"How about...?", "I suggest that...", "You might consider..."


Define the idiom "the ball is in your court."

It’s your turn to take action or make a decision.


Who was the famous artist known for her self-portraits and her association with Mexican culture?

Frida Kahlo


Identify the mistake: "Each of the students have submitted their assignments."

"Each of the students has submitted their assignments."


Give a synonym for "arduous."

Difficult or challenging.


What are some polite ways to disagree with someone?

"I see your point, but...", "That's an interesting perspective, however...", "I understand, but I think..."


Explain the expression "a blessing in disguise."

Something that appears negative at first but results in something positive.


What is the significance of the Day of the Dead (Día de Muertos) in Mexican culture?

It is a celebration to honor deceased loved ones, combining indigenous and Catholic traditions.


Transform this sentence into passive voice: "The chef prepared a delicious meal."

"A delicious meal was prepared by the chef."


Use "ephemeral" in a sentence.

"The beauty of the sunset was ephemeral, lasting only a few minutes."


How would you ask for clarification in a conversation?

"Could you please clarify what you mean by...?", "I’m not sure I understand; could you explain that again?"


What's the meaning of playing truant?

Skipping school


Describe the ingredients and preparation of a traditional Mexican dish of your choice, and explain its cultural significance.

One traditional Mexican dish is mole poblano. It typically includes ingredients such as chicken, various types of chili peppers (like ancho and mulato), chocolate, nuts, and spices. The preparation involves toasting the ingredients, blending them into a rich sauce, and simmering it with the chicken. Mole is culturally significant as it often represents celebration and is commonly served at festivals and special occasions, showcasing the fusion of indigenous and Spanish culinary traditions.


Explain the difference between "few" and "a few" with examples.

"Few" implies a small number with a negative connotation (e.g., 'Few people attended'), while "a few" suggests a small number with a positive connotation (e.g., 'A few people attended').


What is the opposite of "benevolent"?



Describe in 90 seconds your ideal vacation destination and explain why you would choose it. Include at least three reasons.

My ideal vacation destination is Japan. First, I am fascinated by the rich culture and history, especially the traditional tea ceremonies and ancient temples. Second, I love the food, from sushi to ramen, and I would love to try authentic dishes. Finally, the beautiful landscapes, like Mount Fuji and cherry blossom parks, would make for stunning experiences and photographs.


What does it mean if someone "burns the midnight oil"?

To stay up late working or studying.


Who is a contemporary Mexican author known for works such as "The Labyrinth of Solitude"?

Octavio Paz


Correct the following: "If I was you, I would apologize."

"If I were you, I would apologize."


Define "cognitive dissonance."

The mental discomfort experienced when holding two conflicting beliefs or values.


Discuss in 2 min a controversial topic (e.g., climate change, technology in education) and outline both sides of the argument, including at least three points for each perspective.

Topic: Climate Change

For Action:

  1. Environmental Impact: Climate change leads to extreme weather events, affecting ecosystems and biodiversity.
  2. Health Risks: Increased pollution and heatwaves pose significant health risks to vulnerable populations.
  3. Economic Consequences: Failing to address climate change can result in costly damages to infrastructure and agriculture.

Against Urgent Action:

  1. Economic Concerns: Some argue that strict regulations can harm economic growth and lead to job losses in certain industries.
  2. Skepticism of Data: There are differing opinions on the reliability of climate models and data interpretations.
  3. Technological Optimism: Some believe that future technological advancements will provide solutions without needing immediate action.

What's the meaning of swotting for an exam?

Trying to learn everything one day before the exam.


What major event took place in Mexico City in 1968 that had a significant impact on the country?

The Mexico City Olympics and the Tlatelolco massacre.
