Ordinal Cardinal Number
Object Pronoun
Possessive Pronoun
Simple Present (daily routine)
Adverb of Frequency
Can for asking help
Giving Directions
Too for agreeing
But as a contrast
Senses verb

write the ordinal numbers of one, two, three

First , Second , Third


Whose book is this?

The book is___

The book is mine


What does he do in the morning?

He brushes his teeth in the morning


How can I get to the museum?

go straight on the pine street. 

Turn left on the first street.

It is between the toystore and the drugstore


Write the sentence using but

My mother likes bread. My father likes meat

My mother likes bread, but my father likes meat


When is your birthday?

It is on.....


Whose book is this?

The book is___

The book is yours


What does she do before school?

She gets dressed before school


How can I get to the supermarket?

Turn left on the second avenue.

Turn right on the oak street. 

It is next to the mall


She walks to the movie theater. She takes a bus to the mall

She walks to the movie theater, but she takes a bus to the mall


Complete the sentence using object pronoun

They are my friends? I want to play with ___

They are my friends. I want to play with them.


Whose bag is that?

The bag is__

The bag is his


Arrange these words

comes home - at 3.50 - sometimes - She

He - at 9 o'clock - always - goes to bed

dinner - usually - does homework - after

She sometimes comes home at three thirty

He always goes to bed at 9 o'clock

He usually does homework after dinner


Maya walks to school. Her brother_______________.

He takes the subway.

Maya walks to school. Her brother doesn't. He takes the subway.


Arrange the sentence

rides a motorcycle - the boy - school - but - to - ride a bike - 

the boy rides a motorcycle to school, but I ride a bike


My family and I are having dinner tonight. Do you want to join__?

My family and I are having dinner tonight. Do you want to join__?


What do you do before school?

I brush my teeth before school

I take a shower before school

I get dressed before school

I have breakfast before school?


Where is the movie theater?

Where is the restaurant?

Where is the museum?

The movie theater is across from the bakery

The restaurant is next to the park

The museum is on the corner of the street


How does her father get to work?

How about her mother?

Her father takes a bus to work. Her mother doesn't. She takes a ship.


Make four sentences using the picture

a. the trash _____ terrible

b. the bread________ teribble

d. the butterflies ______ beautiful

e. the pizza_______ delicious

a. the trash smells terrible

b. the bread tastes teribble

d. the butterflies look beautiful

e. the pizza tastes delicious


Hi, Santi and Felix! I have apples for___

Hi, Santi and Felix! I have apples for you


What time do you go to school?

I go to school at six thirty

I go to school at seven o'clock


Can _______________ ?

Yes, sure. How can _______ you?

Where is the drugstore?

Can you help me?

Yes, sure. How can I help you?

The drugstore is between the toystore and the bakery.


How do Maya and her brother get to supermarket?Sofia rides______ to school. Carloes____, too.

Maya rides her bike to the supermarket. Her bother does, too

Sofia rides scooter to school. Carloes does, too.


1. How was the manggo? It_____ delicious (was/were)

2. I like this sweater. It____ soft.

3. How was the party last night. It_______fun

4. How was lemonnaide? It_________

1. How was the manggo? It was delicious 

2. I like this sweater. It feels soft.

3. How was the party last night. It was fun

4. How was lemonnaide? It was sour
