Chapter 5
Chapter 5, 6, 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5, 6, 7
Chapter 7

What is one of the characteristics of adult learners?

Draw on a variety of life experiences in the educational process.


The nursing student is teaching a client with a colostomy about irrigation of the stoma. The type of learning domain the student would use to teach the client is?

Choice B is correct. Rationale: Teaching a client how to irrigate his ostomy involves manipulating and practicing a new skill. Cognitive skills would be more about how and why the stoma functions. Affective learning would explore how the client feels about having the device and how it affects his lifestyle. Communication is not a learning domain.


What is the PEP used for? 

you are given the opportunity to apply knowledge gained from these preceding chapters to yourself, assess prior knowledge and experience, and design a personal education plan (PEP) specific to your individual needs. You will assess your preparedness for the student role, examine your learning style, and reflect on the unique characteristics and needs you bring to the ADN program.


What is the following called?  Teachers do less learning tasks, Teachers do less telling; students do more discovery, Teachers do more design work, Teachers do more modeling, Teachers do more to get students to learn from and with each other, Teachers work to create climates for learning.

7. Teachers do more with feedback.

Seven Principles of the Faculty Role in Learner-Centered Teaching  Box 5.4 Pg 135


What is the important point about the NCLEX-RN? 

The NCLEX-RN is designed to provide public assurance of a safe practitioner.


Interprofessional team learning offers students practice in teamwork and collaborative reasoning and decision-making. True or False?



Graduate Competencies for LPN/LVNs and ADNs for NLN’s Four Broad Program Outcome Areas are what? 

Four broad outcomes are applicable to all nursing programs. Graduates should be prepared (a) to promote and enhance human flourishing for patients, families, communities, and themselves; (b) to show sound nursing judgment; (c) to continually develop their professional identity; and (d) to maintain a spirit of inquiry as they move into the world of nursing practice, and beyond


What are the techniques for individualizing your learning activities and strengthening your clinical practicum in the ADN program?

Such concepts as mutual goal setting and feedback mechanisms are presented, and as part of your PEP development, you will outline areas for discussion with your faculty advisor at your individual conference.


What is considered a learning strategies for success? 

SELF-AWARENESS, Addressing Your Learning Style, Accommodating for Disabilities, Addressing Age, Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Cultural Differences, SELF-DIRECTED GOALS, ACTIVE LEARNING


What are the four main categories of client needs?

Safe effective care environment, Health promotion/maintenance, Psychosocial integrity, Physiological Integrity. 


Which term defines...

A parallel but different motivational force in adults pursuing further education is.

self-actualization or  self-fulfillment

pg. 128


Identified three learning domains into which curricular content falls and from which educational objectives are written

The cognitive domain is the area of learning in which you acquire knowledge. 

The affective domain is the area of learning involving values and attitudes. 

The psychomotor domain is the area of learning in which you develop manipulative skills in the discipline.


What are the four areas of preparedness for your role as a student?

The re-entry process

The school setting

Student success strategies

Time management


What is the Strategies for Success for Students Experiencing Difficulties Because of Age, Gender, Sexual Orientation, or Cultural Differences

1. Identify situations that generate discomfort.

2. Discuss these areas with the instructor.

3. Share and confront such issues openly in class  discussions and clinical conferences.

4. Explore successful coping and accommodation strategies that have been used by other students and nurses.


What are examples of Fundamental Process of Nursing Practice? 

Caring, Communication and documentation, Cultural awareness, Nursing process, Self-care, Teaching/learning


Which term is defined as a template of theoretical concepts and principles that is a basis for developing the curricular content for the nursing program?

C. conceptual model

Pg. 128


Who created the six learning achievement levels: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Bloom Taxonomy of Educational Objectives to differentiate the various types of thinking


A pathway other than formal education (eg, military or other service experience), moving into the college student role may feel awkward and uncomfortable.  What is it called? 



What is the meaning of this content? How does it relate to last week’s learning? How does it relate to prior content or courses? How would I explain this to someone else? How would I apply this in practice? How would this apply to clients of different ages, the opposite gender, different cultures, or those who are disabled? What are opposing viewpoints to this content?

Cognitive Domain


 A nursing student is studying the NCLEX-RN Test Plan. This Test Plan includes which of the following main content categories?

a.  Caring, b.  Nursing process, c.  Teaching/learning, d.  Safe, effective care environment, e.  Health promotion and maintenance, f.  Psychosocial integrity, g.  Physiological integrity


National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is responsible for?

B. test plans


What is the term that described the nursing process as a systematic method that progresses through five phases: assessment, analysis and nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.

Nursing Process


Feeling prepared to enter (or re-enter) the school setting develops self-confidence and comfort in the student role. “Knowing the ropes” or knowing where to find things on campus and how to function within the processes and systems of the school can assist you in this process. Chapters 1 and 5 described today’s educational environment and examined strategies for success in the student role in this setting.



How would I feel if I or a family member was experiencing this disorder, dysfunction, or difficulty? How would I react if this were happening to someone close to me? How do I value this type of response or behavior? How might someone experience this whose age, gender, cultural background, or sexual orientation was different than mine? What values or beliefs underlie this patient’s or nurse’s comments? What ethical dilemmas might arise in this situation, and how would I confront them? This is a good opportunity to also develop an awareness of your emotional intelligence and strive to enhance it.

Affective Domain


What are the categories of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives? 

Knowledge/remembering, comprehension/understanding, application/applying, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation 


The nursing student is teaching a client with a colostomy about irrigation of the stoma. The type of learning domain the student would use to teach the client is

a.  Cognitive. b.  Psychomotor. c.  Affective. 

d.  Communicative.

Choice B is correct. Rationale: Teaching a client how to irrigate his ostomy involves manipulating and practicing a new skill. Cognitive skills would be more about how and why the stoma functions. Affective learning would explore how the client feels about having the device and how it affects his lifestyle. Communication is not a learning domain.


What are the principles underlying this procedure (aseptic techniques, ethical considerations, protection of privacy, body mechanics, energy conservation, resource conservation, and therapeutic effect)? How else could this be performed while maintaining these principles? How would I teach this to a client? How could this procedure be performed on a patient in traction or with mobility limitations? How could this be done in a home environment? What verbal and nonverbal communication is occurring? What shortcuts can I take to save time or supplies while still maintaining the principles involved?

Psychomotor Domain


What term defines a student that seeks experiences to add knowledge, skills, and abilities to her or his expertise, as opposed to just waiting to see what is assigned. 

 proactive learner

Professional nurses are lifelong learners, which means developing the skill to be proactive in the process is critical for professional nursing practice.


The LPN/LVN-to-RN student nurse is assigned to a client in an ambulatory surgical setting. The LPN in this setting is held to the legal accountability of a:

a.  Layman. b.  Student. c.  LPN/LVN. 

d.  RN.

Choice D is correct. Rationale: Because the LPN is a student studying to be an RN, she or he is held to the level of an RN.


What kind of questions are considered: Definitions, Steps in a procedure, Common terms or facts, Identifying a medication, a normal dose, or its side effects.

Types of knowledge questions that may be used are


What term defines someone with whom you can consult, who will give you advice, and who will counsel, guide, and help you in the learning process. Mentors open doors, create opportunities, provide wisdom, and inspire their mentees



What term is defined as a lifelong process of learning, refining, and integrating values and behaviors that (a) are consistent with the profession’s history, goals, and codes of ethics; (b) serve to distinguish the practice of nurses from other health care providers; and (c) give nurses the courage needed to continually improve the care of patients, families, and communities and to ensure the profession’s ongoing viability. (p. 68)

Personal and professional Development


When you are completing a weekly time map that includes these goals for the week, and scheduling time for each, your time management will be focused on your highest priorities and all roles will receive the attention they deserve. 

Time Management

Other activities can then be scheduled around these high priority items so that the most important, rather than just the daily urgent tasks, are accomplished. It also avoids the sense nursing students sometimes feel that they are “working in a crisis mode all the time.”


What kind of questions are considered: understanding a definition or term, Telling why a lab result is important, Recognizing what and why a step in a procedure is important, Identifying why or how a medication will work



Difference Between NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN Cognitive Levels? 

NCLEX RN have Analysis added 


A _____________ has undergone numerous validity and reliability research studies to ensure that content is valid and unbiased and that test takers would provide the same answers if the same test was administered again or by a different test administrator.

A standardized test


What are some alternative item formats for the NCLEX-RN? 

Drag and drop questions, Identifying multiple correct answers, Mathematical calculations, Use of graphic images, pictures, charts, or tables, Use of audio questions


What kind of questions are considered: Apply a definition or term to a new/unique situation, Assess the importance of a lab result in relationship to a disease, Prioritize what steps in a procedure are important or when they occur, Evaluate a response to a medication.



What is the goal of instructor–student partnership has one goal:

your success


________________ are locally prepared (often by a teacher or school) and may contain regional questions.

nonstandardized tests


What kind of questions are considered: Choosing the best definition or term to a new situation, Anticipating lab test results with a client’s history/diagnosis, Prioritizing the first step of action to perform when a given set of symptoms occurs, Identifying the best medication to give a client according to his or her symptoms and variables given in the stem

