Knee'd to Know
Take a BREAK from trivia
What makes US better!
Testing testing
Head, shoulders, ____, and toes!

What's going on in this image? (Be general) 

Meniscus tear 


Name the fractured bone

What is tibia? 


The name of the bone on the left

What is the patella 


This test is used to assess for IT band syndrome

Ober's Test

  1. Patient Position: The patient lies on their side with the affected leg on top.
  2. Hip Abduction: The examiner flexes the patient's hip and knee of the top leg.
  3. Knee Extension: The examiner extends the top leg while maintaining the hip flexion.

Positive Test: A positive Ober's test is indicated when the top leg cannot be lowered to the table without the hip abducting, suggesting tightness in the IT band.


A redundant fold of synovia that can cause lateral knee pain

What is plica syndrome? 


A key cause of patellofemoral pain syndrome

What is improper tracking of the patella along the distal femur


A spiral fracture of the fibula and a disruption of the syndesmosis, commonly caused by lateral force applied to distal fibula

What is Maisonneuve fracture?


The area underneath the tendon shown here?

What is Hoffa's fat pad 


Hip flexor tightness can be identified with this test, where a patient lies supine with both knees flexed and one foot flat on the table while the examiner passively extends the opposite leg, allowing it to fall towards the table

What is Thomas test


This meniscus is said be be C-shaped, whereas it's counterpart is O-shaped

What is the medial meniscus (MC hammer) 


The direction of the ACL in 3 planes

What is inferior, medial, and anterior?


Do you need a break?


Identify the structure indicated by the arrows

What is the IT band 


Describe the Lachman's test, be specific

What is supine with the knee flexed to about 20-30 degrees. The examiner grasps the tibia just below the knee joint and gently attempts to translate the tibia anteriorly 


The pes anserine bursa is a confluence of these muscle insertions 

What is sartorius, gracillis, semitendinosus?


A name for an injury to the ACL, MCL, and medial meniscus?

What is O'Donoghue's triad 


A 20 yo athlete who has pain around the knee, you suspect patellofemoral syndrome and order xrays. How does this finding change your management?

What is it doesn't!

Bipartite patella is usually incidental finding and often benign  


You suspect Bakers cyst and see this on ultrasound. Your next step should be to do this. 

What is check Doppler for flow? 


Demonstrate the Thessaly test with your teammate 


Name all of the origins of the muscles that insert onto the pes anserine bursa

Sartorius- ASIS

Gracilis- Ischiopubic ramus 

Semimembranosus- Ischial tuberosity


A 15 yo male with lateral femoral condyle pain with jumping, squatting, running has xray which demonstrates a loose body 

What is osteochondritis dissecans? 


A rare type of avulsion fracture that occurs at the lateral tibial plateau and is typically associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears in the knee

What is Segond fracture?


You are evaluating a patient with patellar tendon pain. The diagnosis is found with ultrasound 

What is patellar tendinosis? 


Describe the McMurrays test when assessing the MEDIAL meniscus

Point the ankle to the meniscus you are testing and apply a force to open that meniscus 

For medial, externally rotate the foot and apply valgus force 


The location of a Baker's cyst lies in a bursa between these two muscles

What is the medial head of the gastrocnemius and semimembranosus?
