Something that seems real but is not
Strange or unusual, often in a way that makes you feel uncomfrotable
This means to choose a shorter route or path, often to save time or effort
Take a shortcut
Where did your family ... spend the summer?
use to
I am fast asleep, but I never dream. I hold you close, but I have no arms. What am I?
Feeling worried and nervous
To speak very quietly, so that only the person near you can hear.
This means to be sleeping deepl and soundly
Be fast asleep
How often ... you go jogging when you were a teenager?
I am a high temperature, but I am not a fever. I can make you happy, but I am not a good mood. What am I?
Shining brightly with a soft, warm light
To look at something for along time, often without blinking.
Stare at
This means to be fully alert, not sleepy at all
Be wide awake
Are you used to ... (wear) flip-flops in the summer?
I am wide awake, but I have no eyes. I tell you stories, but I have no voice. What am I?
To disappear suddenly and completely
To look at something quickly.
Glance or glimpse
This describes an action that appears to happen more slowly than normal, often for dramatic effect
In slow motion
Is this sentence correct or incorrect?
I would have a mountain bike.
Incorrect because "have" is a stative verb
If you are running in race and you pass the person in second place, what place are you in?
Second place
To try to find out the truth about something, especially by asking questions
To look at something for a long time, usually in a dreamy or thoughtful way.
This means to barely avoid danger or a bad situation
A narrow escape
Choose one
I used to/would walk to school.
Both are appropriate
What becomes smaller when you turn it upside down?
The number nine