Mentor Skills
Bloom's Taxonomy
Common Challenges in Mentoring
Note/Test Taking Strategies
AAC and more

The ability to listen without judgment and offer supportive feedback

What is active listening? 


This level involves identifying relationships and patterns to break down complex information into simpler components. 

What is analyzing? 


A mentor might face this challenge when the mentee is reluctant to share concerns or goals. 

What is a lack of communication? 


This method is often used for lectures, it divides the page into sections: one for notes, one for keywords, and one for summaries

What is the Cornell Note-Taking System?

The ability to recover from academic setbacks and continue working toward success is known as 

What is resilience? 


Setting realistic expectations and goals for the mentee is known as:

What is goal-setting? 


The ability to make judgments based on criteria and standards, such as evaluating arguments or data, belongs to this level of Bloom's Taxonomy

What is evaluating?


Mentees may feel overwhelmed when they lack this type of balance between work and personal life

What is work-life balance? 


This visual note-taking technique helps you organize key points, relationships, and examples in a diagrammatic format

What is mind mapping? 


This service offered by the AAC provides one-on-one support to help the student set academic goals, develop time management strategies, and improve their study habits

What is academic coaching? 


This type of questioning allows a mentor to encourage deeper thought and challenge the mentee's assumptions without providing direct answers

What is open-ended questioning? 


At this level, students must generate novel solutions or original ideas by integrating knowledge from multiple sources.

What is creating? 


When a mentor unintentionally imposes their personal goals or career path onto a mentee, it leads to this problem. 

What is projection bias? 


Before starting a test, students should do this to allocate time for different sections of the exam

What is time management/planning ahead? 

The AAC provides workshops to teach students this skills, which include techniques of academic resilience, and note and test-taking strategies. 

What are workshops?


This mentoring method involves asking the mentee to summarize key takeaways after a discussion to ensure they have absorbed and understand the content

What is active recall? 


This level focuses on comparing, organizing, and deconstructing ideas to draw conclusions

What is analyzing? 


The mentor is too hands-on and prevents the mentee from making their own decisions

What is over-mentoring/micromanaging? 


This structured approach, provided by the AAC helps students prepare for exams by spreading out review sessions and active recall over multiple days, focusing on specific material each day

What is the 5-day study plan?


The AAC's group mentoring program for student who want additional support to boost their academic performance is known as

What is UConn Connects/ the UConn Connects Program? 


Effective mentors model this skill, which involves balancing advising with allowing mentees to explore their solutions

What is coaching vs. directing?


Bloom's taxonomy encourages higher-order thinking. This cognitive process involves explaining how concepts or events are connected, often found at the middle levels of the hierarchy 

What is synthesizing? 


This issue arises when the mentee becomes over-dependent on the mentor for decision-making, stifling their autonomy

What is learned helplessness?


This type of test preparation involves breaking study material into smaller sections and reviewing a little each day to enhance retention over time

What is spaced repetition? 


This term refers to the minimum GPA requirement that students must maintain to stay in good academic at UConn, which is typically set at a 2.0

What is the academic standing requirement? 
