An exact amount of time passes between each reinforcement.
What is fixed interval (FI)
To get out of doing a task/activity
What is escape/avoidance
A type of behavior modification technique that uses tokens/points as rewards for desired behaviors
What is a token economy/system
A strategy used within ABA therapy that focuses on teaching skills in the natural context where they would typically be used
Involves recording the number of times a behavior happens
What is frequency
What is fixed ration (FR)
To gain access to a preferred item/activity
What is access to tangible
A type of behavior modification technique that uses tokens/points as rewards for desired behaviors
What is a token economy/system
Steps in a behavior chain are taught to mastery in the order of steps
What is forward chaining
A tool used to monitor behaviors to understand behavior patterns and events by determining what occurs before, during and after a behavior
What is ABC data collection
What is variable interval (VI)
To get a reaction or gain social interaction
What is attention
A procedures in DTT that involves repeatedly presenting the same stimulus to a learner until they respond correctly
What is mass trial
What is backward chaining
Involves the breaking down an observation period into equal time intervals and recording whether a behavior occurs
A schedule of reinforcement in which every correct response is reinforced
What is continuous reinforcement
Something that feels good or presents an automatic response
What is sensory
A technique used within DTT that mix across new and previously mastered skills
What is interspersed trials
Involves breaking down a behavior chain into the individual steps
What is task analysis
Name 2 examples of continuous measures
What is event recording, duration, frequency, latency
A technique used in ABA that involves gradually reducing the frequency of reinforcement or increasing the number of responses required for reinforcement
What is schedule thinning
Altering the environment before the behavior of concern occurs, with the goal of preventing it from occurring
What is antecedent strategies
Systematically address the incorrect responses to help the learner learn the correct ones
What is error correction
Steps in a behavior chain are prompted and taught to mastery at the same time
What is total task presentation
Name 2 examples of discontinuous measures
What is whole interval recording, partial interval recording, momentary time sampling