Ch. 4 States of Consciousness
Ch. 8 Memory
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Wild Card

What is Consciousness and give an example of both?

Our awareness of internal and external stimuli


What are the 3 functions of memory?

Encoding, Storage, Retrieval


Give an example of USC → UCR  (No dog example)

UCS: Bright light → UCR: Squinting


What is Operant conditioning and who is known for it?

* Operant conditioning = organisms learn to associate a behavior and its consequences 

* B.F skinner


Who proposed observational learning?



A student is in class and suddenly feels overwhelmingly tired. They start struggling to keep their eyes open and feel like they could fall asleep because the classroom is set to the exact same temperature as their home, which is where they usually sleep.

Is the student affected by internal stimuli or external stimuli?

External Stimuli


Which memory model, developed in the late 1960s, describes memory formation as a process involving encoding, storage, and retrieval?

Atkinson and Shiffrin’s model


In Watson and Rayner’s experiments, Little Albert was conditioned to fear a white rat, and then he began to be afraid of other furry white objects. 

This demonstrates ________.

Stimulus generalization


For the following operant conditioning situations, identify whether this is an example of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, or negative punishment. Briefly explain your choice. 

“Brie cleans her room to keep her parents off her back.”

* Negative reinforcement

* Why? --> The behavior of cleaning increases (reinforcement) because it eliminates (negative) the stimulus (nagging).


What are the 2 theories that help psychologists explain why humans sleep? 

Describe what these theories are in your own words.

* Adaptive Perspective: Suggests sleep evolved as a survival mechanism, helping humans avoid predators and conserve energy, especially at night when it's dark.

* Restorative Perspective: Sleep is essential for physical and mental recovery, allowing the body to repair itself, strengthen the immune system, and consolidate memories.


Describe NREM-2? What types of brain waves? Explain what sleep spindles and K-complexes.

NREM-2 (Non-Rapid Eye Movement Stage 2) is a deeper sleep stage than NREM-1. 

* It features sleep spindles rapid bursts of high-frequency brainwaves ↔) and K-complexes (very high amplitude pattern of brain activity ↕ )  

* Vital for memory consolidation and sleep quality.

* Theta Waves


After hearing a certain melody repeatedly in horror movies, Mark begins to feel uneasy whenever he hears the same melody in unrelated contexts. 

What Type of Long-Term Memory is this? 

Implicit, Emotional Conditioning


NS + USC =?

Hopefully a CR


SCHEDULES OF REINFORCEMENT- identify which of the 4 schedules of reinforcement is being used. 

“Students are released from class when the end-of-the-period bell rings."

Fixed Interval: Provides reinforcement after a specific, consistent amount of time has passed.


What is the difference between tolerance and withdrawal?

* Tolerance is the body's reduced response to a substance over time, requiring more of it to achieve the same effect

* Withdrawal refers to the physical and mental symptoms that occur when reducing or stopping the use of a substance after developing dependence.


What is the difference between Dissociation theory and Social-Cognitive theory?

* Dissociation theory: Mental activity occurs outside of awareness and control

*Social-Cognitive theory: Not an altered or dissociative state, but are playing the role expected of them in the situation


 Cerebellum is responsible for what part of memory?

Plays a role in processing implicit/ procedural memories (e.g., how to play the piano)


What is the difference between Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning? 

Give me an example of both.

* Classical = automatic reactions; 

* Operant = choices based on consequences.


What is Tolman’s study and what concept did he discovered?

* Tolman found that if he put rats in a maze to learn their way through it, they would eventually form a cognitive map of it

* Cognitive map: a mental picture of the layout of an environment.


 SpongeBob hit his head working at the Krusty Krabs and Mr.Krabs sent him home for the day. When SpongeBob returns to work, he cannot remember how to cook a burger! 

What type of Amnesia does SpongeBob have? 

What part of the brain might he have damaged? 

Did he lose his implicit or Explicit Memories?

* Anterograde amnesia,

* hippocampus (crucial for forming explicit memories.), 

* explicit memories


What class of drugs includes substances such as heroin, fentanyl, morphine, and oxycodone, and is known for effects like pain relief, euphoria, and, in high doses, respiratory depression?



After undergoing surgery for a brain tumor, John finds it difficult to remember new information, such as names and faces he meets after the surgery. He can recall memories from his past without any issues. 

Anterograde or Retrograde Amnesia?  

What part of the brain structure is affected? 

Explicit or Implicit?

* Anterograde, 

* Hippocampus ( Associated with explicit/declarative, recognition, and spatial memories ), 

* Explicit → Semantic


Jake, a college student, loves to grab his favorite energy drink before heading to his early morning classes. One day, as he’s sipping his drink while cramming for a big exam, he accidentally spills some on his notes. Frantically, he wipes them off, but in the process, he knocks over his drink, and it spills all over the floor. He slips on the sticky mess and falls flat on his back, leaving him both surprised and embarrassed. Now, whenever Jake hears the sound of a can opening, he feels a little nervous and watches his step, even if he’s just in the cafeteria. 

Explain the UCS, UCR, NS, CS, and the CR.

UCS:  The slip and fall

UCR:  Feeling surprised and embarrassed after falling

NS: The sound of the can opening 

CS: The sound of the can opening 

CR:  Feeling nervous


A college professor wants to improve students' public speaking skills through shaping. First, she rewards students for participating in small group discussions. Once they are comfortable, she has them present a short summary of their discussions to the class, offering positive feedback. As their confidence grows, she gradually increases the complexity of the assignments, encouraging longer presentations and the use of visual aids. 

What is this an example of?



What are the 3 types of memory failures?  Give an example

1. Encoding Failure: Information is never stored in memory.

       * Ex: Forgetting a person’s name right after being introduced.

2. Storage Failure (using Schacter’s Seven Sins of Memory)

        * Ex: Transience --> Forgetting details from a lecture weeks after it was given.

3. Retrieval Failure: Inability to access stored information.

        * Ex: Not being able to recall the answer during a test, even though you studied.
