This is the RSO's harmony number.
What is 2900
This causes hard or waxy-looking skin.
What is frostbite
Who is responsible for implementation and oversight of the rope access program at the work site?
What is the Level 3 Rope Access Supervisor
This type of permit is used when non-intrinsically safe devices are used in a classified area
What is a Hot Work Permit
What is the number of security requirements for leaving a source in the truck unattended?
The minimum distance a man-lift must maintain from power lines.
What is 10 feet
This is when rope access equipment and systems should be inspected
This is how many life saving rules in the ASH book.
What is nine (line of fire, permit to work, confined space entry, work at heights, lifting operations, energy isolation, ground disturbance/excavation, defeating safety devices, driving
These two types of devices measure radiation exposure over time.
What are rate alarms and survey meters.
The stage of fire in which fire extinguishers can be used.
What is the incipient stage.
This is who is responsible for keeping up with hours logged and maintaining rope access certificate
What is the technician
When the wind chill is in this frostbite timeframe, work shall be paused to assess whether work should continue.
What is the 5-minute frostbite section
The maximum amount of pulses that a Golden X-ray tube should fire every four minutes.
What is 200
According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, there were 700 fatalities in 2022 due to this.
What is working at heights
This is what should be done if one of the team members has not been trained on the use of the back devices they've been issued?
What is teach them
This is the ANSI standard hard hats must meet to be utilized
What is Z89.1
This word means Braking Radiation in German.
What is Bremsstrahlung
The ratio between the height of a ladder and the distance the base of the ladder must be from the vertical surface.
What is 4:1
This is the highest Factor Level fall acceptable under the Rope Access procedures?
What is less then Factor Level 1
This is the wind speed work should be paused and a task hazard assessment shall be conducted to determine if work should be performed.
What is 40mph