Bill of Rights
Facts about Constitution
How a Bill Becomes a Law?
Campaign Finance

Which one of these things does the 1st Amendment NOT protect:

Freedom of Speech 

Freedom of Religion

Freedom of Press

Natural Rights

Natural Rights


What are the three branches of government? 

Legislative, Executive and Judicial


What is a synonym for a bill? 

An idea. 


How much money did Joe Biden spend running for President in 2020? 

$1.6 Billion


The term for altering or manipulating political districts. 



What is "double jeopardy" and which amendment is it? 

"Double Jeopardy" means a person can't be tried for the same offense twice and it's in the 5th Amendment.


Which is the longest article in the Constitution? 

Article I which establishes the Legislative Branch. 


What fraction (percentage) of Congress is needed to override a presidential veto? 



When researching the 2024 Presidential Election, you were asked to look up a lesser-known Democratic candidate. What is his name? 

Dean Phillips


How many people are in a person's monkeysphere



The death penalty is most often associated with this amendment. 

When answering the question make sure to say the amendment number and what it is?

8th Amendment; prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. 


What are the three "Reconstructions Amendments"? (Make sure to say what number they are and their purpose.)

13th Amendment - Abolished slavery

14th Amendment - Grants citizenship to all to people born in the United States

15th Amendments - Allows African American men to vote 


What is the purpose of a committee

A committee is comprised of senators and assembly members (congressmen) who discuss the details of the bill that's being presented. 


You must answer both parts of the question to receive full credit: 

Which corporation contributed to both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's Campaign in 2016? Why would they do this? 

Renaissance Technologies. 

Renaissance Technologies contributed to both Trump and Clinton's presidential campaigns in 2016 in order to receive tax cuts regardless of who won the presidency. 


Name all four representatives in the Bronx. 

Rep. Adrianno Espaillat (D-13)

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-14) 

Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-15)

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-16) 


Based on the situation below, determine all of the amendments involving the scenario. (The group that guesses the most amendments correctly, will get the points.)  

A man from Virginia is driving north to his hunting lodge in Maine. In his car, he has a registered hunting rifle. On his roadtrip, he is pulled over for speeding in the Hudson Valley of NY, a "purple" district. The officer unlawfully searches the man's vehicle confiscating his registered firearm.

2nd Amendment - Right to Bear Arms 

10th Amendment - States' Rights (Virginia and New York have different gun laws) 

4th Amendment - Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizure


What are the two amendments involving alcohol? 

(List the amendment number and what it says.) 

18th Amendment - Prohibits the production, sale and transportation of alcohol. 

21st Amendment - Repealed the eighteenth amendment making alcohol legal. 

List the roles of the Speaker of the House during the bill process.

(The group that gets the most correct will receive full credit.)

Administering Oath of Office to the Members of the House of Representatives; 

Giving Members permission to speak on the House floor; 

Designating Members as Speaker pro tempore ("for the time being");

Counting and declaring all votes;

Appointing Members to Committees


Hillary Clinton's second biggest contributor in 2016 is from prominent American political family. What was the name of the group? 

Pritzker Group


What does our government spend the most money on and approximately how much money do they spend annually?

(The group that guesses the amount closest will full credit.)

Social Security, Unemployment and Labor 

(40% of the federal budget / $2.8 trillion) 


Based on the situation below, determine all of the amendments involving the scenario. (The group that guesses the most amendments correctly, will get the points.)  

In the aftermath the United States' invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, a woman burns an American flag  in protest. She is unlawfully arrested since burning the American flag in public is legal (post 1984) and the arresting officer does not read her Miranda rights.

1st Amendment - Freedom of Speech and Petition

5th Amendment - Protects a person from being forced to testify against themselves

6th Amendment - Guarantees the right to legal counsel (an attorney) present during questioning


What is the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution? 

The Supremacy Clause establishes that federal laws are the supreme law of the land. Therefore, they take priority over state laws. 


Who is the only person to serve as both Speaker of the House and POTUS (President of the United States)? 

James K. Polk


One of Donald Trump's largest campaign contributors in 2016 came from a professional sports team. Which team was it? 

Houston Texans 


When the President vetoes a bill and then it returns to Congress for a potential override, this an example of two foundational principles of the American political system. Name both principles in order to receive full credit. 

Checks and Balances 


Separation of Powers 
