This is the command code to request a change to entity
Freeze code that indicates math error
What is -G?
TC Input to decrease tax
What is 291?
Filing status, claim amount, EIC & AGI can be found here
Return Update Screen
One digit # that helps identify cause of unpostable
What is the Unpostable Reason Code?
This is the response command code used to update entity
Source code needed on all PHONE math error adjustments
What is 2?
Adjusted Gross Income
What is TC 888?
CC used on current year if DDBCK can't be used
What is DUPED?
Two command codes that show unpostable conditions
What are TXMOD and ENMOD?
This symbol is used to identify the name control in a name line
What is the right hand bracket ]
Three command codes where math errors can be found
Federal Witholding
What is TC 806?
Definer used to go directly to update screen
What is A?
Case control listed on age list to indicate unpostable
What is NLUN?
These codes are systemic and change a name or TIN
What are TC 011 & TC 013
Command code EIC recertification indicator can be located on this CC
what is ENMOD?
AUR present on account
What is TC 922?
Two EIC codes used on the phone
What are P and N
IAT tool used to leave unpostable history
What is UP Histories?
One of the most common causes of this condition is a TC 150 for the same year on both accounts(“to” and “from”)
What is a no merge condition?
Blocking Series used to set Math Error
What is 77 or 78?
Exams has decreased the tax
What is TC 301?
Years you are required to update DDBCK
What are Current and prior two years?
This causes the most common unpostable
What is taking TXI below zero?