General Works
what kind of books would you find in the 200?
Bibles, mythology, info about religions
How were libraries first organized?
They weren't
In what class is man thinking about himself?
Books you dont usually read from cover to cover
General works
Social Science
what type of books would you find in the 400?
Dictionary, sign language, How to speak- German, French, Italian.
How old was Melvil Dewey when he came up with the Dewey decimal system?
In what class is man using pure science to make life better?
Applied Science
A man's way of keeping a record of who, what, when, and where
History, geography, and biography
Pure science
What type of books would you find in 600?
Human body, medicine, health, machines, cooking, gardening, pets, technology, tools.
What were the main two categories?
fiction and non- fiction
In what class is man thinking about other groups of man?
Social Science
Who came up with the idea to create a library?
Ben Franklin
The arts
what type of books are in the 800?
poetry, plays, jokes
How are fiction books organized?
in ABC order by author's last name, and then by title
What class is man's way of expressing himself in a certain style?
Who figured out a way to organize libraries?
Melvil Dewey
History, Geography, Biography
what type of books are in the 100?
emotions, dream, mental disorder
How are non-fiction books organized ?
By Subject/ Dewey number
In what class is man learning about the world around him?
Pure Science
What are the ten main classes?
General works, philosophy, religion, social science, language, pure science, applied science, the arts, literature, history,