The civilization of a given race or nation at a given time or over all time, its customs, its arts, its conveniences, etc.
What is culture?
The evacuation of 16,000 Cherokee Indians, relocation to Oklahoma.
What is the Trail of Tears.
An agreement between nations, signed and approved by each.
What is a treaty?
Lovejoy's death proved that this would be a major issue for the country in the future.
What is slavery?
Explain the census fraud tactics used by Illinois to gain statehood.
What is counted outside of boundaries, counted families twice, counted people passing through, and estimated villages?
A solemn promise of statement to support a person or country.
What is Oath of Allegiance.
One who favored the end of slavery.
What is an abolitionist.
The act of forcing a person or a people to leave a country by official order.
What is deportation?
Date Illinois became a state.
What is Dec. 3, 1818?
What is attack in the night, send priest and delegates, falsify information by being a small part of more troops to come, fight against or with us(Oath of Allegiance), proactive?
The number of people residing in a state.
What is census.
Name 3 things that Lovejoy was trying to protect.
What is freedom of speech, printing press, and anti-slavery ideas.
Favoring progress; wanting reform in government, business or social structure.
What is progressive?
What is fur trade?
What is a refusal of provisions due to pride, frozen Mississippi River, delayed departure, many become sick and die, gathered by military and protected, long journey?
All the people born within the same period of time.
What is generations.
Some Illinoisans would not oppose slavery because of this.
What is economy or trade with slave states?
Public order or command by some authority; decree.
What is an edict?
The two important uses for corn.
What is food for humans and animals?
The newly United State's attitude/relationship toward the Native Americans.
What is of no concern, were not worried about their wants or needs, they should be removed in order to take over territory?
People that wander from place to place to find food, pastures, and a living.
What is nomads.
These two tribes were in constant warfare with the Illiniwek.
Who are the Sioux and the Iroquois?
Complete control over anything bought or sold.
What is a monopoly?
As more settlers moved in the territory, this increased.
What is Native American attacks?
Illinois became a free state because of these factors.
What is no slavery allowed by the Northwest Ordinance and they compromised and allowed what slaves were there to remain but to add no more new slaves?