Wickedness never was happiness
Alma 41:10
The most recently appointed apostle who spoke about the Church of Joy
Elder Patrick Kearon (The British on)
What does Jesus tell his disciples that the church should be named?
The Church of Jesus Christ
After Christ rose from the dead he then appeared to the people of the America's. Which chapter in the Book of Mormon did Christ first appear as a resurrected being?
3 Nephi 11
This singer's 2008 hit "Single Ladies" became a massive success.
"Come unto me and be baptized..., that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost."
3 Nephi 27:20
Elder Uchtdorf asked us to nourish the _______ of our testimony trees
Jesus says in 3 Nephi 27 that through his Atonement, all can be saved if they repent and endure to this point...
The End
This disciple betrayed Jesus with a kiss, leading to his arrest
Judas Iscariot
This 2003 Pixar film follow a clownfish on a journey to find his son, who is captured by a diver and placed in a fish tank.
Finding Nemo
"They are free to choose liberty and eternal life... or ... captivity and death"
2 Nephi 2:27
The childhood toy that President Oaks compared the commandments to
Fill in the blank(s) for a verse in 3 Nephi 27... "I came into the _____ to do the ____ of my father, because my Father _____ me."
World. Will. Sent.
Jesus performed this miracle at the wedding in Cana, his first recorded miracle
Turning water to wine
Launched in 2004, this social networking platform eventually overtook Myspace as the leading social media site.
Mosiah 2:17 "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only ________"
This book debuted with new hymns for global unity in worship
Jesus explains that the purpose of his gospel is to bring mankind into this eternal condition with God.
Eternal Life
What is the sermon that Jesus taught the "Beatitudes"?
Sermon on the Mount
This sitcom, which premiered in 2005, follows the employees of Dundee Mifflin Paper Company
The Office
2 Nephi 32:3 "Feast _____ the words of _____: for behold, the words of Christ will tell you ____ things"
President Nelson announced 17 new temples. Name the location of 2 of them
Jesus teaches that this action makes it possible for people to be judged and cleansed from sin.
His Atonement
Who did Jesus leave us for comfort when he returned to the Heavenly Father?
Holy Ghost
These colorful, rubber sandals with holes because a major fashion trend in the 2000's