Klavír, kopaná a košíková
Jezdit na koni
Ride a horse
Can you play the drums?
Umíš hrát na bubny?
Já neumím hrát košíkovou.
I can't play the basketball.
I'm can play the tennis.
I can play the tennis.
Drums, recorder and violin
Bubny, flétna a housle
Hrát počítačové hry
Play computer games
Can he skateboard?
Umí (on) jezdit na skateboardu?
Ty neumíš zpívat.
You can't sing.
She can'not sing.
She cannot sing.
January, September and August
Leden, září a srpen
Umíš plavat?
Can you swim?
Can we draw and can we paint?
Umíme (my) kreslit a malovat?
My neumíme bruslit.
We can't skate.
Can he paints?
Can he paint?
Dive, draw and paint
Potápět se, kreslit a malovat
Jak jsi starý?/ Kolik ti je let?
How old are you?
Can they play the recorder?
Umí (oni) hrát na flétnu?
Oni neumí létat a oni neumí hrát na flétnu.
They can't fly and they can't play the recorder.
My birthday is on january.
My birthday is on January.
Seashell, wood and plant
Mušle, dřevo a rostlina
When is your birthday?
Can they rollerblade?
Umí (oni) na kolečkových bruslích?
On neumí psát a on neumí číst.
He can't write and he can't read.
My parents can't play piano.
My parents can't play the piano.