what are the facts on canadian goverment
canda is a fedral state a parliment demorcacy and a consutional monarcy
what you should know about the canadian goverment
canada is a contutal and a monarcy and a parlent demorcy founded on the rule of law and respect rights and freedom
human right issue
i will start with saying some issue of human rights is woman children traffing in persons people with disabilty indiengenous people act of violence
how many goverments in canada
there about 3 level of goverment in the canda province
some responsiblity for the canadian goverment
i think some things affordable housing and homeless support and education health
the problem with goble issue
climate change public health poverty gender inquality
some intersting facts about the canadian goverment
provincial goverment also has a helper the queen called lienent governer
the type of goverment we have in canada
canada is a consitutional monarchy this means the king or queen is the head of the state the prime mister is the head of goverment
what are four human right issue
civil culture econic politics and socal rights