The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are called the
Blessed (Holy) Trinity
The start of the liturgical year
The liturgy is _____ work, and the people must __________.
God's, participate
Water is a symbol/ritual and the priest washing his hands during the Liturgy of the Eucharist is a symbol/ritual.
symbol, ritual
Priests are ________ ministers, meaning they can preside at the Eucharist, hear confessions, administer confirmation, etc.
The living teaching office - the bishops and pope - they interpret the truths of faith and the liturgy
The start of Lent
Ash Wednesday
__________ is the origin of the liturgy.
Actual/Sanctifying grace heals our human nature wounded by sin and restores us to friendship with God. Actual/Sanctifying grace is God’s interventions & support for us in the everyday moments of our lives.
Sanctifying, actual
Jesus us tells not to pray like the hypocrites but rather instructs us to pray the _____________.
Lord's Prayer.
Jesus' Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension
Paschal Mystery
The end of the Christmas season
The Baptism of Christ
The _____ is the most important liturgy and ______ is an example of another type of liturgy
Eucharist, Liturgy of the Hours.
True/False - The Sacraments “work” regardless of how holy the priest or the recipient is.
_______ is religious reverence or devotion
The communication/dispensation of the fruits of the Christ’s Paschal Mystery in the celebration of the Church’s sacramental liturgy.
Sacramental economy.
The end of the Easter season (also the birthday of the Church)
The ________ is present in the liturgy by preparing us to encounter Christ, and revealing Christ’s present in the assembly and the Scriptures
Holy Spirit.
__________ means “a buying back” referring in part to Christ’s deliverance of all Christians from the forces of sin.
A synonym for the Divine Office or the official, public, daily prayer of the Catholic Church
Liturgy of the Hours
An efficacious and visible sign of God’s grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispense to us.
The start of Holy Week
Palm (Passion) Sunday
The liturgy is the Church’s _____, _____, and _______ prayer.
official, public, communal
List the Seven Sacraments
(Sacraments of Initiation, Healing, Service of Communion)
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Anointing of the Sick, Reconciliation, Matrimony, Holy Orders
List the three expression of prayer in the Catholic tradition.