First book of the bible?
創世記 Book of Genesis
耶穌把什麼變成酒了?Jesus turned what into wine?
水 Water
誰三次否認耶穌?Who denied Jesus three times?
彼得 Peter
加拿大的國旗有什麼顏色? What colors are on the Canadian flag?
紅色和白色 Red and White
書店買不到的書是什麼書?What kind of books can’t be bought in bookstores?
Last book of the bible?
啟示錄 Revelation
哪位門徒與耶穌一起在水上行走 ? Which disciple walked on water with Jesus?
彼得 Peter
耶穌與多少罪犯一起被釘在十字架上? Jesus was crucified alongside how many criminals?
Two criminals 兩個罪犯
加拿大有什麼著名的瀑布?What famous waterfall is in Canada?
尼亞加拉瀑布 Niagara Falls
哪一個月有28天? Which month has 28 days?
每個月 Every Month
聖經最長是哪卷?Which book is the longest in the Bible?
詩篇 Psalms
耶穌曾經派出數以千計的惡魔進入哪些動物體內?Which animals do Jesus once sent thousands of demons into them?
豬 Pigs
羅馬士兵用什麼給耶穌加冕? The Roman soldiers used what to crown Jesus?
荊棘 Thorns
加拿大的首都是哪裡? Where is the capital of Canada?
渥太華 Ottawa
9個橙分給13個小朋友,怎麼分才公平?9 oranges are divided among 13 children. How to divide them fairly?
榨成果汁 Make Juice
在這卷書中,一個虔誠的人被扔進獅子坑裡倖存下來 In this book, a godly man survives being thrown into a lion's den
但以理書 Daniel
耶稣治愈了被彼得砍掉的一个仆人的哪个部位?Jesus healed which part of a servant after it was cut off by Peter?
耳朵 Ear
是誰在人民的要求下被釋放,而不是耶穌? Who was released at the request of the people, rather than Jesus?
巴拉巴 Barabbas
加拿大地理上在哪個大洲?On which continent is Canada located?
北美洲 North America
早晨醒來,每個人都會做的第一件事是什麼?What's the first thing everyone does when they wake up in the morning?
睜眼 Open eyes
聖經一共有多少章? How many chapters are there in the Bible?
1189章 (Chapters)
耶穌說,如果你有多大的信心,你就能移山?Jesus said you could move mountains if you have faith the size of what thing?
芥菜籽 Mustard seed
誰洗手並說「我對這個人的血無關」? Who washed his hands and said "I am innocent of this man's blood."?
本丟彼拉多Pontius Pilate
加拿大的紙幣上有什麼動物?What animals are on Canadian banknotes?
河狸、鵝等動物 Beavers, geese