physical change
social changes
emotional changes

what is the difference between male and female puberty?

  • Males will get taller and bigger body parts and girls will get to a height and possibly stop growing and body parts will get bigger.
  • Would you rather start caring about your looks or your friends?
  • Looks so I can fit in and make friends
  • What are 3 emotions you might go through during puberty?

you will have different emotions such as anxiety, anger and sadness and many more

  • Why do you think your body changes during puberty?

Because it needs to grow out if your old body and everything get bigger.

  • How do you think romantic feelings effect yourself during puberty?
  • Because you might have feelings and you might feel different and your not used to it.
  • Why do you think you go through emotional changes?

because your body changes and get bigger so you will have so many trapped up and theyll all come out when you go through puberty.

  • What is one thing that happens to girl during puberty?
  • Girls get their period.
  • How do friendships changes during puberty?
  • You will have different feeling about someone.

will you go through emotional rollercoasters throughout puberty? true/false why?

true, you will go through lots of emotional rollercoasters all the time.

  • What is one thing that happens to boys during puberty?
  • Boys get a deeper voice.
  • Does puberty change your body? Yes/no and why
  • Yes, because your body will need to grow out of your old body to grow into adult.

do you think male and female go through different emotions? yes/no why?

yes, because they have different mind sets but it would also have the same depending on the person.

  • How does physical change, change not just your body but yourself?
  • While going through puberty you will start to get different feelings and your body will change and it gets bigger and you will want to change your body as it is getting bigger.
  • How do  social changes effect my identity?
  • Because it not only changes your looks but your personality

do you think you'll want to socialised more during puberty? yes/no why?

yes and no it always depends on the person, but you might want to socialise or or you not.
