What does DSP stand for?
Direct Support Professional
DSI is a (Non-profit OR For-profit business)
Non-profit organization
Designed to promote health, welfare, individuals' maximum potential. This includes developing social behaviors, interpersonal and cognitive skills.
What is the goal of a DSP
To support and help clients
DSI serves over how many counties in Indiana?
Over 60
Provides a clean and comfortable environment and the support and guidance to help those with special needs be as independent as possible. Multiple people living in the home.
Group Homes
These are the qualifications to become a DSP
Over 18 years old and clean criminal record
Where are the headquarters of DSI located?
Columbus, IN
An alternative to institutional care that offers family-oriented services for eligible adults with developmental delays as well as mental, physical, or emotional challenges. In home and in the community care.
Supported Living Services