name the 3 types of hallucinations caused by magic mushrooms
what is auditory, visual, and tactile hallucinations?
the amount of fentanyl to kill is
what is 2 mg?
how many points does marijuana have
what is 7?
do vapes really help not to smoke
what is no,
when people start vapes, it really makes them use it more than to not make you stop.
some of the physical effects are
what is relaxation, nausea, vomiting, and craps?
fentanyl is a
what is opioid pain killer?
how can marijuana be taken?
what is tea, smoked, and eaten?
list 4 street names
what is shrooms, purple passion, boomers, caps, magic, and mushies?
the way fentanyl is used
what is injected, patches, and pills?
can marijuana be addictive?
what is yes?
some of the mental effects are
what is relaxation, heightened and distorted senses, and out-of-body experiences?
(true or false)
fentanyl is a legal drug
what is false?
fentanyl is illegal to possess, distribute, and manufacture without a prescription.
the street names of marijuana are
what is weed, Mary Jane, pot, and dope.
the group of fungi that magic mushrooms are in
what is polyphyletic informal group of fungi?
(true or false)
fentanyl is used safely by hospitals
what is true?
fentanyl should only be used my medical professionals.
is marijuana lethal
what is no?
marijuana being lethal is very low, for their have been no deaths relating to marijuana.